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Cite using APA 7

Theses and essays

Reference list entry


Surname, X. (Year). Title. [Type of thesis/essay, University]. Database Name/ Archive name. URL


Börjesson, M. & Renström, E. (2010). Drinking coffee for a better world. [Bachelor's thesis, Halmstad University].  

Xu, J. (2021). Homemade bubble tea system. (Publication No. 28547798) [Master's thesis, Pratt Institute]. ProQuest Dissertations and Theses.


In-text citation


... (Surname, Year).

Parenthetical citations 

This is an example sentence (Börjesson & Renström, 2010).

This is another example sentence (Xu, 2021).

Narrative citations (when the name is mentioned in the text)

According to Börjesson and Renström (2010) the main...

Xu (2021) mentions...



  • If there is a publication number available you include that, in parenthesis, after the title (but not in italics)
  • Specify level of thesis/essay and name of institution in square brackets.
  • URL (if it will give readers access to the thesis/essay). If the thesis/essay only is available through databases requiring subscription you include the name of the database.