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Articles in journals

Reference list entry


Surname, X. (Year). Title. Journal, volume(issue), beginning page-last page. DOI


Bergström, A. & Jervelycke Belfrage, M. (2018). News in social media. Digital Journalism, 6(5), 583-98. 

Hede, A-M., & Watne, T. (2013). Leveraging the human side of the brand using a sense of place: Case studies of craft breweries. Journal of Marketing Management, 29 (1/2), 207-24.


In-text citations


(Surname, Year)


Parenthetical citations 

This is an example sentence (Bergström, & Jervelycke Belfrage, 2018).

This is another examples sentence (Hede & Watne, 2013).

Narrative citations (when the author is mentioned in the text)

According to Bergström & Jervelycke Belfrage (2018) the main issue...

Hede and Watne (2013) mentions...



  • If the work has 3-20 authors only the first author is listed in the in-text citation followed by "et al." However, all authors should be listed in the reference list entry in the same order as they appear in the source.
  • If the work has more than 20 authors only the first author is listed in the in-text citation followed by" et. al." In the reference list only up to 20 authors are listed. If there are 21 authors or more you list the first 19 followed by three full stops and then the last author. Remember to always list the authors in the same order as they appear in the publication. 
  • If the article has a DOI you include that last in the reference list entry (see example). If the article lacks a DOI but has a URL that will resolve for reader (e.g. the article is from an online journal that is not part of a database), include the URL of the article at the end of the reference.