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Cite using APA 7

Films and TV-shows

Reference list entry


Surname, X. (Director). (Year). Title [Film/DVD/TV show]. Production Company. URL

Jackson, P. (Director). (2001). Lord of the rings [Film]. New Line Cinema.


In-text citation


... (Surname, Year).

Parenthetical citation

.. in the end (Jackson, 2001).

Narrative citation (when the name is mentioned in the text)

In the film Jackson (2001) shows...



  • In the author element in the reference list entry you include the name of the director followed by (Director) 
  • Include the year the film was released.
  • Include the type of medium in square brackets, e.g. [Film], [DVD]
  • If there are more than one production company you separate them by semicolon.
  • Include the URL in the reference list entry if the film is available online.

Episode in television series

Reference list entry


Surname, X. (Writer), & Surname, X. (Director). (Date). Title of episode (Season number, Episode number) [TV series episode]. In X. Surname (Executive producer), Title of TV series. Production Company. URL


Weiner, M (Director & Writer) & Gordon, K. (Writer). (2008, October 26). Meditations in an Emergency (Season 2, Episode 13) [TV-series episode]. In M. Weiner, S. Hornbacher, A. Jacquemetton, M. Jacquemetton & J. Leahy. (Executive producers), Mad Men. Weiner Bros. Productions; Lionsgate Television; RadicalMedia; AMC Original Productions.


In-text citation


... (Surname, Year).

Parenthetical citation

... in the episode (Weiner & Gordon, 2008).

Narrative citations (when the name is mentioned in the text)

In the episode Weiner and Gordon (2008) show...



  • Include the director and writer of the episode. Provide the person's role after each name. If a person has more the one role you provide both separated by an ampersand, &.
  • You should provide the specific date when the episode aired in the reference list entry. In the in-text citation you only include the year.
  • Include the number of season and episode in brackets after the title.
  • Provide a description of the type of media in square brackets [TV series episode]
  • Include information about the television series the episode is part of. Include executive producer(s), title of the television series (in italics) and production company.