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Books with authors

Reference list entry


Surname, X. (Year). Title (edition). Publisher. DOI


Matthews, N., & Moody, N. (2007). Judging a book by its cover: Fans, publishers, designers, and the marketing of fiction. Ashgate.

Sakade, F., Henshall, K., Seeley, C., De Groot, H., & Ikeda, J. (2013). A guide to reading and writing japanese: A comprehensive guide to the japanese writing system (4th ed.). Tuttle Publishing.

Van Geyte, E. (2013). Writing: Learn to write better academic essays. Collins.


In-text citation


... (Surname, Year).

Parenthetical citations 

... the most important thing to consider (Matthews & Moody, 2007).

... when reading Japanese (Sakade et al., 2013).

Narrative citations (when the author is mentioned in the text)

According to Matthews and Moody (2007) the main...

Sakade et al. (2013) explain that ...



  • If the book has three or more authors you only include the first followed by "et al." in the in-text citation. In the reference list entry you include all authors' names up to 20 authors.
  • In the parenthesis you use the ampersand (&) but in your text you write "and".
  • Include the edition in the reference list entry (unless it is the first edition) using numbers  and the abbreviation "ed." for instance "4th. ed.", "2nd ed." etc.
  • Note that in APA 7 you do not include place of publication.

Books with editors

Reference list entry


Surname, X. (Ed.). (Year).Title (edition). Publisher.


Grant, C. & Rubin, P.L. (Ed.) (2012). Creative writing and art history. Wiley-Blackwell.

MacArthur, C. A., Graham, S., & Fitzgerald, J. (Eds.) (2015). Handbook of writing research (2nd ed.). The Guilford Press.

In-text citation


... (Surname, Year).

Parenthetical citations 

... when writing (Grant & Rubin, 2012).

... a research paper (MacArthur et al., 2015).

Narrative citations (when the author is mentioned in the text)

According to Grant and Rubin (2012) the main...

MacArthur et al. (2015) explain that ...



  • You use the abbreviation "Ed." (single editor) or "Eds." (several editors) after the editor(s) name(s).
  • If the book has three or more authors you only include the first followed by "et al." in the in-text citation. In the reference list entry you include all authors' names up to 20 authors.
  • In the parenthesis you use the ampersand (&) but in your text you write "and".
  • Include the edition in the reference list entry (unless it is the first edition) using numbers  and the abbreviation "ed." for instance "4th. ed.", "2nd ed." etc.
  • Note that in APA 7 you do not include place of publication.


Reference list entry


Surname, X. (Year). Title (edition). DOI or URL


Booth, W. C., Colomb, G.C., Williams, J. M., Bizup, J., & Fitzgerald, W.T. (2016). The craft of research (4 ed.). University of Chicago Press. 

Jackson, L. M. (2019). The psychology of prejudice: From attitudes to social action (2 ed.). American Psychological Association. 

Larner, A. J. (Ed.). (2013). Cognitive screening instruments: A practical approach. Springer.


In-text citations


... (Surname, Year).

Parenthetical citations 

... when writing (Booth et al. 2016).

... for social acton (Jackson, 2019).

Narrative citations (when the author is mentioned in the text)

According to Larner (2013) the main...

Booth et al. (2016) explain that ...



  • For e-books you should include the same information as for printed books. However, you should include a DOI-number or URL as well.
  • If the e-book has a DOI (Digital Object Identifier) available include that as a link at the end of the reference accordingly:
  • If the e-book has both a DOI and a URL, include only the DOI.
  • If the e-book is freely available on the web and does not have a DOI, include the URL address instead.
  • You use the abbreviation "Ed." (single editor) or "Eds." (several editors) after the editor(s) name(s).
  • If the book has three or more authors or editors you only include the first followed by "et al." in the in-text citation. In the reference list entry you include all names up to 20.
  • In the parenthesis you use the ampersand (&) but in your text you write "and".
  • Include the edition in the reference list entry (unless it is the first edition) using numbers  and the abbreviation "ed." for instance "4th. ed.", "2nd ed." etc.

Children's books with an illustrator

Reference list entry


Surname, X. (Year). Title (X. Surname, Illus.). Publisher. 

Hay, S. (2013). Rise of the zombie rabbit (S. Cooper, Illus.). Stripes.

Arrhenius, I. P. (2019). Where’s Mrs Kangaroo? (I. P. Arrhenius, Illus.). Nosy Crow Ltd.


In-text citation


... (Surname, Year).

(Hay, 2013)
(Arrhenius, 2019)



  • Include the illustrator's name after the title, within a parenthesis and followed by the abbreviation Illus. after a comma.
  • If the author is also the illustrator, include their name twice, both as author and as illustrator.