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Brochures and manuals

Reference list entry


Surname, X./Organisation. (Year). Title [Brochure/Manual]. Publisher. URL

Socialstyrelsen (2018). Tips and Advice for Preventing Falls [Brochure].


In-text citation


... (Surname, X./Organisation, Year).

Parenthetical citations 
... for preventing falls (Socialstyrelsen, 2018).
Narrative citations (when the name is mentioned in the text)
Accordning to Socialstyrelsen (2018) it is important to...



  • The author may be a person or a company, organisation or authority. For the latter you name the specific department responsible for the brochure.   
  • If there are three or more authors you include all of them (up to 20) in the reference list entry. In the in-text citation you only include the first one followed by "et al."
  • When the brochure has a named author you include the publisher.
  • If the name of the company, organisation or authority is not included in the name of the author it is listed as publisher.
  • If the brochure is available online you include the URL.