Cite using APA


Reference list entry


Surname, X./Organisation. (Year). Title (Title of series Serial number). Publisher. URL


Ljungqvist, A., Richardson, M., & Wolfenzon, D. (2008). The investment behaviour of buyout funds. Theory and Evidence (w14180). National Bureau of Economic Research. 

UN High Commissioner for Human Rights. (2018) Annual report of the United Nations High Commissioner for human rights (A/HCR/37/3). 


In-text citation


... (Surname, X./Organisation, Year).

Parenthetical citations 

... is true for most funds (Ljungqvist et al., 2008).

... concerning human rights (UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, 2018).

Narrative citations (when the name is mentioned in the text)

Accordning to Ljungqvist et al. (2008) most funds ...

UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (2018) maintain that ...



  • The author may be a person or a company, organisation or authority. For the latter you name the specific department responsible for the report.   
  • If there are three or more authors you include all of them (up to 20) in the reference list entry. In the in-text citation you only include the first one followed by "et al."
  • Add report number (if available) in parenthesis after the title.
  • When the report has a named author you include publisher.
  • If the overall name of the company, organisation or authority is not included in the name of the author that is listed as publisher.
  • If the report is available online you include the URL.