Cite using APA

About citing generative AI

In general, generative AI such as ChatGPT should not be cited as a source because the generated text is neither reliable nor possible to reproduce. In some cases, however, it may be appropriate to reference generative AI, for example if you want to present an AI-generated response to discuss it or the technology behind it.

Citing or reproducing texts created by ChatGPT or other generative AI in your work cannot be done in the same way as other texts. The purpose of referencing is to allow the reader to find the original source on which the text is based. Texts created using generative AI generally cannot be reproduced because a unique text is generated each time. Even if the reader were to input the exact same prompt into the same AI tool, the result would not be the same.

APA recommends treating texts generated by AI models as an output of an algorithm. Instead of referencing the output you reference the creator of the algorithm in question. In this case, you would reference the AI model and its developers in the same way you would reference software.

In addition to a reference to the AI model, you should describe in the text how you used it, including the prompt you used. The generated text may be included in the text if it is short enough or attached as an appendix at the end of the work.

You can read more about APA's recommendations here: How to cite ChatGPT

Always check with your teacher or supervisor if any specific instructions apply to you and your work.

ChatGPT and other generative AI

Reference list entry


Developer, A. A., Developer, B. B., & Developer, C. C. (Year). Name of the AI model (Version #.#) [Large language model]. Publisher. URL

OpenAI. (2023). ChatGPT (Version GPT-3.5) [Large language model].

Plastic Labs Inc. (2023). Bloom (Version GPT-4) [Large language model].


In-text citation


... (Developer/Organisation, Year).

... using ChatGPT (OpenAI, 2023).



  • If no developer is specified, the publishing organization is listed as the developer. In this case, information about the publisher does not need to be repeated in the reference.
  • The year refers to the year when this version of the AI model was released.
  • In addition to a reference to the AI model, you should describe in the text how you used it, including the prompt you used.
  • The generated text may be included in the text if it is short enough or attached as an appendix at the end of the work.