There are several options to share references with others:
If you receive a Word document with formatted EndNote references, you can import them into your own EndNote library:
If you receive a Word document containing formatted EndNote citations, you can import them to your own EndNote library:
Create a compressed library, with or without attached files, and share it by email or save it in a cloud service.
Once your EndNote library has been synchronized, you can go to your online account and choose to share groups with other users who also have EndNote online accounts (they do not need the EndNote software installed). It is not possible to share attached files via the online account.
EndNote X7.2 and later versions allow you to share your entire library (references, attachments, notes) with others. You must have synchronized your library with your EndNote online account. Those you share with must also have EndNote X7.2 or later, have enabled synchronization of their EndNote library, and be online to be able to send and receive changes. You can only share one library with others, but multiple people can share their libraries with you. You can choose to share your entire library or one or more groups, and select either Read-only or Read & Write access for the other users. Note that you are not allowed to share full-text articles with users outside Uppsala University!
How to share your entire library:
How to share a group:
Access a group/library that somebody has shared with you: