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Reference management software: EndNote

Exercise 1: Create a library

Create a new library and save it to your desktop (unless you have a Mac and iCloud syncing of your desktop).

Exercise 2: Send references to EndNote

Search in a couple of databases and send some references to EndNote. A few suggestions:

Exercise 3: Remove duplicates

Run a search for duplicates in your EndNote library. Remove duplicates if there are any.

Exercise 4: Add references manually

Try adding references manually. If you do not have any references to add, test with the followings:

Exercise 5: Create groups

Create a couple of groups and group sets and move some of your references into them.

Exercise 6: Add full text

Find full text

  • Enter the Find Full Text links in your EndNote preferences.
  • Select a number of journal articles in your EndNote library and run Find Full Text.

Add PDF attachments manually

  • If you have PDF files saved on your computer, add a PDF to a reference.

Import PDF files

  • Import PDF files from your computer into EndNote.
  • Check if the bibliographic references are correct.
  • If a bibliographic reference could not be created automatically from your PDF, add the information manually.


Exercise 7: Insert citations and a bibliography in Word

  1. Open an empty Word document and insert some citations.
  2. Add cited pages into a citation.
  3. Insert a bibliography.
  4. Remove a citation and update the bibliography.
  5. Select another reference style in the document.
  6. Go to and install a reference style.

Exercise 8: Export references

  1. Export references in RIS format.
  2. Create a reference list using EndNote.

Exercise 9: Make a backup copy of your EndNote library

Create a compressed library and save it to your desktop.

Exercise 10: Synchronize your EndNote library

  • Go to EndNote online and sign up for an account.
  • Go to EndNote preferences and enter your account credentials.