Reference management software: EndNote

Make backups

You should make regular backups of your EndNote library. You can save an EndNote library with all of its contents (references and attachments) to a single compressed file. The Compressed Library can be moved to a cloud storage such as Dropbox, to a USB drive, or to your file area at the University network.

  • Select File → Compress Library (.enlx)... .

If you need to restore your library, first move the compressed file to your computer hard drive and then double click to open it and continue working in your library.

You should make regular backups of your EndNote library. You can save an EndNote library with all of its contents (references and attachments) to a single compressed file. The Compressed Library can be moved to a cloud storage such as Dropbox, to a USB drive, or to your file area at the University network.

  • Select File → Compress Library (.enlx)... .

If you need to restore your library, first move the compressed file to your computer hard drive and then double click to open it and continue working in your library.