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Reference management software: EndNote

Export references in RIS format

To share references with others who have the same or another reference management software, you can export references in RIS format. References in RIS format can also be imported into the most screening tools.

  • Select references to share in your library.
  • Click the Export icon or click File →  Export.
  • Name the file and select the file type: Text file (.txt) and Output style: RefMan (RIS) Export

To share references with others, you can export references in RIS format. References in RIS format can also be imported into most screening tools. To export references:

  • Select the relevant references in your library.
  • Click on the Export icon in the form of an arrow.

  • Select Text Only as the file type and Text RefMan (RIS) Export as the Output style. If you do not find Text RefMan (RIS) Export in the list of selectable styles, click on Select Another Style... in the list and search for it.

You can also click on File in the EndNote menu and then Export. Name the file and choose file type and output style.

Create a reference list

You can create a reference list in any output style using EndNote.

  • Select references in your library
  • Click on the Export icon or click on File Export
  • Name the file and select the file format: Rich Text Format (* rtf.) and an output style. The rtf-file can be opened i.a. in Word.

You can create a reference list in any output style using EndNote.

  • Select references in your library.
  • Click on the Export icon in the form of an arrow or click on File → Export



  • Name the file and select the file type: Rich Text Format (* rtf.) and an output style. The rtf-file can be opened in Word.