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Cite using Harvard

Harvard, citations, references

Maps that are part of another source

When citing maps that are part of another source (for example maps used as illustrations in a journal article or book), see the instructions under Images and figures.

Static maps

In-text citation


(Organization/Cartographer's Last name, Year)

Parenthetical citations
... (Fritz, 2013).
... (U.S. Geological Survey, c1994).

Narrative citations (when the author is mentioned in the text)
On a map of the area by Fritz (2013) you can see...
The U.S. Geological Survey's map of river basins (c1994) shows...


Reference list entry


Organization/Cartographer's Last name, First name and Last name, First name (Year). Title, Scale. Xed. Place of publication: Publisher. URL [Accessed: date].

Fritz, Michaela (2013). Rwanda & Burundi, 1:300 000. 5. ed. Vancouver, B.C.: ITMB Publishing, International Travel Maps.

U.S. Geological Survey (c1994). River basins of the United States: The Potomac. Denver: The Survey.,-0.048,1.237,1.044,0 [Accessed: 2023-07-24].



  • If information on scale is missing you may omit it.
  • Edition is specified from the second edition.
  • If information about year of publication is missing you can use the copyright year instead with a "c" before it: c2007. If there is no copyright year either, write (n.d.).
  • If the map is available online, include a URL and a date of retrieval.

Dynamic maps and geodata

There are many different map services online where you create your own map images or retrieve geodata from dynamic maps. Below is an example of how you can cite such map services.


In the caption, under the image

Keep in mind that if you want to include a map in your assignment you must first check the copyright terms of the material you are using!


Map X.  Title, scale x:xxxxxx (Organization, Year). Copyright information.

Map 1. Global Fire Map (NASA, c2023), reproduced with permission.


In-text citation

If you don't want to include a map, only reference it, you can write the in-text citation in the following format. 


(Organization, Year)

Parenthetical citations
... (NASA, c2023).

Narrative citations (when the author is mentioned in the text)
A map by NASA (c2023) shows...


Reference list entry


Organization/Publisher (Year). Title, Scale. Name of the map service/platform. URL to map image [Accessed: date].

NASA (c2023). Global Fire Map. FIRMS Map Viewer.;d:2023-07-24;@-33.5,-0.5,3z [Accessed: 2023-07-24].



  • If information on scale is missing you may omit it.
  • If information about year of publication is missing you can use the copyright year instead with a "c" before it: c2023. If there is no copyright year either, write (n.d.).