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Harvard, citations, references

Books with authors

In-text citation


(Last name, Year)

Parenthetical citations
... (Booth et al., 2016).
... (Jaffee, c2007).
... (Magnusson, 2000, p. 14).

Narrative citations (when the author is mentioned in the text)
According to Booth et al. (2016) it's...
Magnusson (2000, p. 14) claims...


Reference list entry


Last name, First name and Last name, First name (Year). TitleX. ed. Place of publication: Publisher. URL [Accessed: date].

Booth, Wayne C., Colomb, Gregory G., Williams, Joseph M., Bizup, Joseph and Fitzgerald, William T. (2016). The Craft of Research. 4. ed. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. [Accessed: 2021-06-22].

Jaffee, Daniel (c2007). Brewing justice: fair trade coffee, sustainability, and survival. Berkeley: University of California Press.

Magnusson, Lars (2014). An economic history of Sweden. London: Routledge.



  • All authors' names are to be included in the reference list. The names are written in the same order as in the cited source.
  • If information about year of publication is missing you can use the copyright year instead with a "c" before it: c2007. If there is no copyright year either, write (n.d.).
  • Edition is specified from the second edition.
  • URL and accessed date is stated only if it is an e-book.

Books with editors

It is very uncommon to cite an edited book in its entirety. Usually you should cite the part of the book you have used - such as a chapter - and credit the author of that chapter. To do this you can follow the instructions for citing Book chapters.

However, in some special cases it might be relevant to cite an edited book as a whole. You can then follow the instructions below.


In-text citation


(Last name, Year)

Parenthetical citations
... (Grant and Rubin, 2012).

Narrative citations (when the author is mentioned in the text)
... by Grant and Rubin (2012) is...


Reference list entry


Last name, First name and Last name, First name ed(s). (Year). TitleX. ed. Place of publication: Publisher. URL [Accessed: date].

Grant, Catherine and Rubin, Patricia Lee (eds.) (2012). Creative writing and art history. Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell.



  • All editors' names are to be included in the reference list. The names are written in the same order as in the cited source.
  • Edition is specified from the second edition.
  • URL and accessed date is stated only if it is an e-book.