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Harvard, citations, references

Book chapters

In-text citation


(Last name, Year)

Parenthetical citations
... the greater the risk (Hunt and Jeter, 2014).

Narrative citations (when the author is mentioned in the text)
According to Hunt and Jeter (2014) the main...


Reference list entry


Last name, First name and Last name, First name (Year). Title of the chapter. In: Last name, First name (ed(s).) TitleX. ed. Place of publication: Publisher, p. xx-xx. URL [Accessed: date].

Hunt, Katherine S., Ray, Jessica A. and Jeter, Joanne M. (2014). Hereditary Risk for Cancer. In: Alberts, David and Hess, Lisa M. (eds.) Fundamentals of Cancer Prevention. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer, p. 123–150. [Accessed: 2021-06-22].



  • All authors' and editors' names are to be included in the reference list. The names are written in the same order as in the cited source.
  • Include the page range of the specific chapter in the book.
  • Edition is specified from the second edition.
  • URL and accessed date is stated only if it is an e-book.