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Reference management software: Mendeley

Collecting references

There are several ways to add documents to your Mendeley library.

  1. Web importer
    Press the Mendeley button in the bookmarks bar to add online content in databases or catalogues to the Mendeley library. The information the program has found will be visible in a Mendeley window. Tick ”Download PDF’s if available” in order to add PDF’s automatically when possible. When you save a reference through the Web importer, it is saved to your Mendeley account. When you sync (F5) your Mendeley desktop library it will appear in the desktop version.
  2. Adding PDF’s
    By dragging and dropping you can directly add files stored on your computer to Mendeley. The program will extract the metadata needed
    from the document to create a library entry. You can add one or several files at a time by going to File > add folder/add files.
  3. Watched folder
    You can create a Watched folder in which all files are automatically imported to Mendeley. Go to File > Watch Folder  and choose the folder you want to use for this purpose.
  4. Adding references manually
    Click File > Add entry manually. Start by choosing the correct reference type and add all relevant information manually.




If you have an ArXiv ID, DOI or PMID-number it is possible to just fill in the number in the form, hit the search button next to it and let Mendeley look up the details to fill in the rest.

  1. Import references
    You can import an already existing library in EndNote, Zotero, Jabref, Refworks etc. Export the library in the concerned program and save to RIS, BibTeX or EndNoteXML format. In Mendeley desktop choose File > Import… and add the exported file.


Note! Depending on the quality of metadata on the webpage or in the document the entries can lack bibliographic information. Always review your additions to make sure no information is incorrect or missing. You can change or add information in the details view to the right in the desktop version.