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Reference management software: Mendeley

Collecting references to your library

Mendeley Web Importer

Mendeley Web Importer can scan the web page you are viewing and generate references based on the information found. Click on the Mendeley icon in your bookmarks bar to add references from databases or online catalogs to your Mendeley library. A pop-up window tells you what data Mendeley has found. You can click on the reference to add or edit the information before importing it.

If you want you can choose a specific collection in your library to add the reference to. Otherwise you can just add it to "My Library". When you click on Add the reference is imported to your Mendeley account and automatically synced to Mendeley Reference Manager.

If available, Mendeley will automatically add any fulltext PDF files.

Add files from your computer

Add files that you have saved on your computer (such as PDF fiels) to Mendeley by dragging and dropping them into the Mendeley Reference Manager window. Mendeley will read the metadata stored in the file and create a reference post in your library. You can also add files by clicking on Add new > File(s) from computer and choose the files you want to add.

Add references manually

Click on Add new > Add Manual Entry. Start with choosing the correct reference type for the reference you want to add, to get the appropriate fields to appear. Then manually add the required information.

If you enter a DOI number, Mendeley can find and add the bibliographic information automatically. 


Import references from other reference management softwares

You can import a reference library from EndNote, Zotero, Jabref, Refworks etc. Export the library from the other software and save it in RIS-, BibTeX- or EndNoteXML format. To import it to Mendeley Reference Manager, click on Add new > Import library and choose the exported file.

NOTE! Automatically generated reference posts are based on the information Mendeley can find in databases or from added files. This information might be wrong or incomplete. Always check the references you add to your library to make sure the information is correct. 

If information is missing or faulty you can edit or add to it by selecting the reference in your Mendeley library, and make the necessary changes under the Info tab.