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Films and TV shows online


Producer's/Director's Last name XX, producer(s)/director(s). Title [film on the Internet/TV show on the Internet]. Series title. Place of publication: Publisher/distributor; Publishing date [cited year month day]. Available: URL/Streaming service


1. Gray S, director. Earth Emergency [film on the Internet]. USA: Moving Still Productions; 2021 [cited 2021 July 20]. Available: SVT Play


  • The date of retrieval should be stated for all electronic sources, in addition to the year of publication. This is written as shown above, in square brackets with the word "cited". The reason for this is that electronic sources may theoretically get edited and the information in them can then change. For this reason it is important to indicate at what time you studied an electronic source.



Producer's/Director's Last name XX, producer(s)/director(s). Title [film]. Series title. Place of publication: Publisher/distributor; Publishing year.


1. Jackson P, director. Lord of the rings [film]. New Zeeland: New Line Cinema; 2001.


  • If the film is part of a series, the title of the series is indicated.

TV shows


Producer's/Director's Last name XX, producer(s)/director(s). Title [TV show]. Series title. Place of publication: Publisher/distributor; Publishing year.


1. Salzman D, Jones Q, Bahr F, Small A, producers. Season 9, episode 13 [tv show]. MAD TV. USA: Warner Bros; 2003.


  • If the TV show is part of a series, the title of the series is indicated.