Cite using Vancouver

Articles in electronic newspapers


Last name XX, Last name XX. Title of the article. Title of the newspaper [Internet]. Year month day [cited year month day];Section of the newspaper. Available: URL

1. Corkery M, Maheshwari S. As customers move online, so does the holiday shopping season. The New York Times [Internet]. 2020 November 23 [cited 2021 december 1]. Available:

2. Kolata G. A cancer trial's unexpected result: remission in every patient. The New York Times [Internet]. 2022 June 5 [cited 2022 June 7];Health. Available:


  • If the article is published in a specific section of the online newspaper (such as the "Business" section or "Section B") this is stated in the reference as ";Business" or ";Sect. x" after the date of retrieval.
  • The date of retrieval should be stated for all electronic sources, in addition to the year of publication. This is written as shown above, in square brackets with the word "cited". The reason for this is that electronic sources may theoretically get edited and the information in them can then change. For this reason it is important to indicate at what time you studied an electronic source.

Articles in printed newspapers


Last name XX, Last name XX. Title of the article. Title of the newspaper. Year month day;Section of newspaper:starting page.


1. Mathews J. Disadvantaged kids hurt by keeping the pandemic’s relaxed teaching style. The Washington Post. 2022 May 16;Sect. B:2.

2. McIvor G. Recycling socialism from the scrapheap: Sweden. The Guardian. 1994 October 1:15.


  • If the article is published in a specific section of the newspaper (such as the "Business" section or "Section B") this is stated in the reference as ";Business" or ";Sect. x" before the page number.
  • Only the starting page of an article is included, even if it continues on another page.