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Chapter in printed book


Last name XX, Last name XX. Title of the chapter. In Editor's last name XX, editor(s). Title of the book. Edition. Place of publication: Publisher; Year. Pages xx-x.

1. Hunt KS, Ray JA, Jeter JM. Hereditary risk for cancer. In Alberts D, Hess LM, editors. Fundamentals of cancer prevention. 3rd ed. Berlin: Springer; 2014. 123-50.


  • If the chapter has more than six authors, the first six are named followed by "et al.".
  • Edition is specified from the second edition.
  • If information about year of publication is missing you can use the copyright year instead with a "c" before it: c2007. If there is no copyright year either, write [no date].

Chapter in e-book


Last name XX, Last name XX. Title of the chapter. In Editor's last name XX, editor(s). Title of the book [Internet]. Edition. Place of publication: Publisher; Year [cited year month day]. Pages xx-x. Available: URL

1. Hunt KS, Ray JA, Jeter JM. Hereditary risk for cancer. In Alberts D, Hess LM, editors. Fundamentals of cancer prevention [Internet]. 3rd ed. Berlin: Springer; 2014 [cited 2020 februari 13]. 123-50. Available:


  • If the chapter has more than six authors, the first six are named followed by "et al.".
  • Edition is specified from the second edition.
  • If information about year of publication is missing you can use the copyright year instead with a "c" before it: c2007. If there is no copyright year either, write [no date].
  • The date of retrieval should be stated for all electronic sources, in addition to the year of publication. This is written as shown above, in square brackets with the word "cited". The reason for this is that electronic sources may theoretically get edited and the information in them can then change. For this reason it is important to indicate at what time you studied an electronic source.