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DiVA for Researchers and Administrators

Things to consider before importing a reference to DiVA

Research publications indexed in Web of Science

On a weekly basis, the Library imports Uppsala University affiliated publications that are indexed in the database Web of Science to DiVA. Any publications not indexed in Web of Science need to be added to DiVA by researchers themselves or by administrators at the departments.

Check if the publication is already registered in DiVA

To avoid duplicate registration, start by searching DiVA for the title of the publication. You can also check for duplicates while importing records. More information on this can be found in Step 3 of the section "Import – step-by-step" below.

If the publication is already in DiVA, you can edit the existing record if needed.

Facilitate registration by importing the reference

Are you registering a new publication? If possible, import a reference saved from a database or journal website. Two common reference formats that are supported in DiVA are BibTex and RIS. Follow the instructions in the section Import – step-by-step" further down this page.

Register manually or with a DOI

If importing the reference is not possible, please follow the instructions in the Register publications guide instead. That guide can also be consulted if you want to retrieve information about a journal article using the article’s DOI.

Import – step-by-step

Start by searching for the publications you want to import into DiVA. For example, you can search for them in a database, on the publisher's website or using a reference management software. Only references in the following formats can be imported into DiVA:

  • BibLaTex
  • BibTex
  • EndNote XML
  • ISI
  • Mods
  • PubMedID (PMID)
  • RIS

Exporting from databases – some examples


Import a single publication
Find the publication in PubMed and copy its PubMedID (PMID).


Importing multiple publications
Use reference management software to import multiple publications from PubMed into DiVA. Perform a search in PubMed. In the list of results, select the references you wish to export and click on Send to. Then select Citation Manager.

The downloaded file can be opened in any reference management program. Export the references in BibTex or RIS format.


Web of Science

Perform a search in Web of Science. In the list of results, select the publications you wish to export. Click on Export and select the format Plain text file.

You should now see the box "Export records to Plain Text File". Under "Record content", select Full record. Click on Export.


Reference Management Software

Open the reference management program and select the references you wish to export. Then use the export functions of the program to export your references. Choose one of the formats EndNote XML, BibLaTex, BibTex or RIS.


Example: EndNote (desktop version)
Click on File and then Export. Select the XML file format and specify "Show all fields" as the Output style.


DiVA of other organisations

Perform a search in one of the local DiVA databases or in the DiVA search tool for all DiVA databases.

Select the records you wish to export. Click on Export and select the Mods format.



Perform a search in Scopus. Select the publications you want to export and click on Export.

Select the format RIS or BibTex. Check "Citation information", "Bibliographical information" and "Abstract & keywords" to ensure that all information is included. Finally, click on Export.



It is possible to export publications listed in your ORCiD profile in BibTex format:

Log in to your ORCiD profile. In the "Works" section, select the publications you wish to export and click on Actions. Select "Export works" or "Export all works" depending on whether you want to export a selection or all publications.

This will display the list of publications to be exported. Click on Export selected works to BibTex.



Import a single publication
Find the publication in Libris. Click on Cite.

In the box "Create reference of the selected record", select either RIS or BibTex format and click on Save as file.


Importing multiple publications
Perform a search in Libris. Select the publications you want to export and then click on Cite.

In the box "Create references of the x selected records", select either RIS or BibTex format and click on Save as file.
  1. Log in to DiVA
  2. Select the Import references option
  3. Then select Import from external databases

Two methods for importing into DiVA

Single publication from PubMed

You can import one publication at a time from PubMed by entering a PubMedID (PMID) and clicking on Import.

File with references

Import a file with references by selecting the file format from the drop-down list. If you have exported references from one of the databases in Step 1, select one of the following formats:
  • PubMed: BibTex or RIS
  • Web of Science: ISI
  • Endnote Desktop: EndNote XML
  • Other reference management software: RIS, BibLaTex or BibTex
  • DiVA of other organisations: MODS V3
  • Scopus: RIS
  • ORCiD: BibTex
  • Libris: BibTex or RIS

Upload the file and select Import.

Drafts in DiVA

Publications which have been imported are listed as drafts under Import references. Until you have reviewed and submitted the records, only you will be able to see these drafts.


If any publication you have imported is already registered in DiVA with a DOI, PubMedID and/or ISI, the publication will be marked as a duplicate.
If you want to change or make additions to the already registered record, you can do so by clicking on the duplicate.

If you do not want to change or add anything to the existing record, delete your draft duplicate record in the import list (this does not affect the already registered record).

Review imported publications

In order for publications to be registered in DiVA, you must click on each record, review and complete the information imported into the registration form, and then submit.

The registration form for an imported reference is three pages long. The first page contains details of the publication and the second page allows you to upload files (see Step 4). The third page provides an overview of the information registered for the current publication (see Step 5).

Once you have started reviewing a record, you can select Cancel/Save changes at the top of the page if you would like to resume the review process later. The record will then remain as a draft in the Import reference section of DiVA.

Each record needs to be thoroughly checked. It is particularly important that the following information is correct:

Publication type
Check that the correct publication type (and sub category if applicable) is selected. If necessary, you can change the publication type via the Change type button.

User ID and ORCID ID
Enter the appropriate user ID in the Local user ID fields for all authors affiliated with Uppsala University. This links records in DiVA to publication lists on profile pages on the University's website.

You can find the user ID of an Uppsala University employee on their profile page in the catalogue of staff, deparments and units at UU.

If an UU author has an ORCID ID, it can be added in the appropriate field. ORCID ID is internationally used to link the researcher (including any name variants) to their publications, and to the organisations they are (or have been) affiliated with. ORCID IDs in DiVA facilitate better analyses and research evaluations, both locally and nationally.

Connect authority record

Click on Connect authority record for each of the UU authors, in order to automatically insert organisational affiliation data where possible. However, the authority record may contain a history of the author's previous organisational affiliation at UU, so check for and remove any obsolete affiliation from the authority record.

If any UU author does not have an authority record, but has a UU user ID, you have the option to create a new authority record. For more information, see the Manage and edit authority records guide.

Enter the correct organisational affiliation for the UU authors if this was not included in the authority record.

Browse the DiVA organisation tree via the Choose organisation button. At a minimum, enter the department at UU to which the author is affiliated according to the publication. If applicable, go deeper in the hierarchy and enter the division or research programme; when you do this the department will automatically be included and need not be entered separately.

If an organisation is missing from the list, please contact the library.

If an Uppsala University author is affiliated with an additional organisation outside UU according to the publication, please specify this in the Other organisation field.

Publications from when you were affiliated with another institution may also be registered. In these cases, you should not select your current UU department as your affiliation. Instead, enter your affiliation at the time in the Other organisation field, as it appears in the publication.

Content type
Indicate whether the publication belongs to the category Refereed, Other academic or Other (popular science, discussion, etc.)

National subject category
Indicate the subject of the publication in as much detail as possible, i.e. at least at three-digit (but preferably five-digit) level. Search or browse for a subject by clicking on Choose national subject category or use the function Suggestion for national subject category.

If the publication has an abstract, check that the paragraphs have been divided up correctly and that there are no redundant characters.


See the Register publication guide for more details on the different fields in the registration form.

When importing references from other databases into DiVA, attaching the full-text is optional.

DiVA allows you to upload full-texts of all types of scholarly publications – journal articles, books and reports, for example – for open access publishing. DiVA provides secure long-term storage with stable links to published full-texts.

Check conditions for parallel publishing

Before uploading the full-text of a published or forthcoming publication, you need to check that this is allowed by the publisher. Material published within Uppsala University can normally be uploaded to DiVA, unless there is a specific agreement prohibiting this.

Open access or archiving

Attachments only become visible after they are reviewed, and if there are no copyright restrictions. If it is not possible to publish the file openly in DiVA, it will be archived in the record.

For more information on parallel publishing in DiVA, see the Publishing full-text files guide.

On the Review / Publish page, make a final review of the information in the record. Click on Edit details if there is anything that needs to be added or changed. This will take you back to the first page of the registration form.

When all the information in the record is correct, select Submit.

If you have imported several publications, you will be returned to the list of drafts to review the next entry.

After you have registered a record in DiVA

The record with information about the publication will be visible in the DiVA search tool within a few minutes, with the exception of the following publication types: student thesis, doctoral thesis and licentiate thesis. It can take up to 24 hours for new entries in DiVA to appear on profile and web pages.

Records that are published immediately upon registration are reviewed by a librarian or DiVA administrator. In the DiVA search tool, a publication is marked as "Bibliographically reviewed" once reviewed.

Full-texts are not published immediately

If you uploaded a file that you wish to make publicly available, the file will become visible after a DiVA administrator at the library has verified it. The library will only make files available where it is clearly stated that this is permitted under copyright law. If it is not possible to make the file publicly available in DiVA, the librarian will archive the file.

If you have not yet checked whether the publications you wanted to import were already registered in DiVA, you may want to check for duplicates at this stage. The duplicate check described in Step 3 can only find records that have the same identifier (DOI, PMID or ISI) as a record you are about to import. In some cases, existing records lack identifiers.

You can perform a retrospective check for duplicates among your publications in the following way:

  1. Log in to DiVA
  2. Go to Edit / Delete record
  3. Search for your name or your UU user ID
  4. Sort the list of results by title


If you have accidentally registered a duplicate record, delete it by clicking on the X. If you are unsure if it is actually a duplicate, please contact the library.