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DiVA for Researchers and Administrators

Keep the following in mind when registering your thesis in DiVA

This guide describes how to register your licentiate or doctoral thesis in DiVA. The procedure differs slightly depending on whether the thesis is a monograph or a compilation.

For compilation theses it is mandatory to publish the comprehensive summary (kappa) as openly available in DiVA. For monograph theses, however, the author decides whether to publish the thesis in full-text.

Further considerations before registering your thesis in DiVA:

  • On the Publish your thesis page on the Library's website, you can find information on scheduling, graphic design, printing, posting, etc.
  • Thesis templates, answers to frequently asked questions and other detailed information about theses can be found in the Thesis Production guide

Data related to your thesis

Data, code, other digital components and supplementary information related to the thesis should be linked to the DiVA record for the thesis and the included papers. This can be done by uploading files as attachments to the DiVA record, but registration in another repository is often a better solution because it allows for more specific documentation. In the latter case, a link to the external resource should be provided both in the DiVA entry and in the text of the thesis/included paper. Use the URL field in the DiVA registration form for external links.

More information about publishing research data

Register a monograph thesis

Hover over the question mark next to a field in the DiVA registration form to see an explanatory text about the field.

You can toggle the language of headings, buttons and help texts in the DiVA form by clicking on the Language button in the upper right corner. The available languages are Swedish, English and Norwegian.

Follow these steps to register your thesis and information about the public defence in DiVA:

  1.     Log in to DiVA
  2.     Select Add publication / Upload files
  3.     Select one of the following publication types from the drop-down list:
    • Doctoral thesis, monograph
    • Licentiate thesis, monograph
  4. Click Continue
You can save your registration as a draft at any time by clicking on Cancel/Save Draft and selecting Save Draft. Your draft will appear under My Drafts.

Author and organisational affiliation

Please enter your first and last name, year of birth and e-mail address in the corresponding fields. Later when you post your thesis, the posting receipt will be sent to the e-mail address you entered in DiVA.

Enter your Uppsala University user ID in the Local user ID field. Click on Connect authority record, to add information about organisational affiliation automatically where possible. For more information on authority records, see the guide Manage and edit authority records.(link)

Add the correct organisational affiliation if it was not included in the authority record. Browse the DiVA organisation tree via the Choose organisation button. The organisational unit you select should correspond to what is stated in the thesis.

The minimum requirement is that you specify the department at UU with which you are affiliated according to your thesis. If applicable, you can go deeper in the hierarchy and enter the division or research programme. If you do this, the department will automatically be included.

If you also are affiliated with another institution outside UU, please indicate this in the field Other organisation.


Enter the Main Title, Subtitle (if any) and Language of the thesis. The Alternative Title section should be used if the thesis has an alternative title in another language.

Text in the Main Title and Subtitle fields is automatically separated by a colon when viewing the record in DiVA's Search tool.

Year of publication and number of pages

In the Other information section, enter the year of publication of the thesis and the number of pages. The number of pages should correspond to the last numbered page of the thesis, excluding appendices and papers.


DiVA contains a list of series at Uppsala University. Select the series in which the thesis is to be published from the Series drop-down list.

If the thesis is administered by Thesis Production, then Thesis Production is responsible for assigning the thesis a number in the series and adding it to the record.

Publisher and location

For theses published by Uppsala University, the University is indicated as the publisher, and Uppsala as the place of publication.

Enter the place of publication in the Place field.

Start typing the publisher's name in the Publisher field and select from the list. If the publisher is not on the list, you can type its name in the free text field Other publisher.


If the thesis is administered by Thesis Production, then Thesis Production is responsible for assigning an ISBN number to the thesis and adding it to the record.

If the thesis was published in another way, for example via a publisher, please enter the ISBN number.

National subject category

Indicate the subject of the thesis in as much detail as possible, i.e. at least three-digit level, but preferably five digits. Search or browse for a subject in the tree. You can also use the Suggestion for National Subject Category function, which suggests a subject based on SwePub's subject classification tool (interface in Swedish).

Research topic

The list of research topics lists local research topics at Uppsala University. Select the subject of your research from the drop-down list.

If a topic is missing from the list, please contact the Library.


Please enter keywords/subjects that describe the content of the thesis. Multiple keywords should be separated by commas.

Keywords can be entered in more than one language. In this case, click on the button Keywords in another language. Note that only keywords in English are shown in the posting information.


It is mandatory to enter an abstract in English. In order to fit on the posting information sheet, the abstract should not exceed 350 words.

Enter the abstract and select the language. If you paste text from the publisher's website or from Word or other word processing software, you may get unwanted formatting. To avoid this, click on the Paste as text icon and then paste the abstract.

Make sure that the text looks correct. It is particularly important that spaces and paragraph divisions are included, and that no invalid characters have been added.

You can enter the abstract in several languages. To do so, click on the Another abstract button.

Supervisor and opponent

Enter the name, academic title and organisational affiliation of the supervisor and opponent. If either of them is affiliated with another university, please indicate this in the field Other organisation.

To enter more than one supervisor or opponent, click on Another supervisor or Another opponent.

Public defence or presentation

For a doctoral thesis: select the date and time of the defence by clicking on the calendar next to the date field. Indicate the language of the defence, the degree-granting university, and the location and address of the defence.

For a licentiate thesis: select the date and time of the presentation by clicking on the calendar next to the date field. Indicate the language in which the presentation will be held and the location and address of the presentation.


Select the title of the degree from the drop-down list.

Click on Continue to go to the next page.
If Thesis Production is handling your doctoral or licentiate thesis, you should not upload any files. In these cases, Thesis Production will upload the final thesis file at a later stage.

If you have chosen to publish your doctoral thesis by other means, you have to submit your file to Thesis Production yourself. They will archive the file in DiVA and can also publish it if desired. If you wish to make the thesis available in DiVA, you need to make an appointment with the Thesis Production to sign an agreement for full text publication. If you publish your thesis with a publisher, you have to ensure that the publisher allows full-text publication.

If Thesis Production has not been involved in the production of your monograph licentiate thesis, you can attach the thesis in full text (PDF format). 

Click on Continue to go to the next page.

The fourth and final page, Review/Publish, provides an overview of the information registered for the thesis.

Click Edit Information if you see anything that needs to be added or changed. This will take you back to the Enter Information page.

If all the information in the entry is correct, click Submit.

Once you have submitted your thesis, you can no longer view or edit your registration. Please contact the library if you need to edit anything afterwards.

Entries for licentiate theses only become visible in the DiVA search tool after they have been reviewed by the Library.

Doctoral theses entries are also reviewed by the Library, and are not published until the posting of the thesis. Information on the posting process can be found in Thesis Production's guide.

Register a compilation thesis

Hover over the question mark next to a field in the DiVA registration form to see an explanatory text about the field.

You can toggle the language of headings, buttons and help texts in the DiVA form by clicking on the Language button in the upper right corner. The available languages are Swedish, English and Norwegian.

All papers included in your comprehensive summary thesis must be registered in DiVA. To avoid duplicate registration, start by searching DiVA for the title of each paper.

If a publication is already registered in DiVA, make sure that the information is correct. If necessary, you can edit the existing record.

If one or more papers are not in DiVA, you need to register them. There are several ways to register your papers in DiVA, depending on whether they are published or not.

Published papers

If your paper is published, you can add it to DiVA either by importing the reference, or by manual registration. Detailed instructions can be found in the following guides:

Unpublished papers (manuscripts)

Unpublished papers are registered in DiVA as follows:

  1. Log in to DiVA
  2. Select Add publication / Upload files
  3. Select the following publication type from the drop-down list:
    • Manuscript (preprint)
  4. Click on Continue
  5. Enter only the following information about the manuscript:
    • Author and organisational affiliation
    • Title
    • National subject category
  6. Unpublished papers should not be made publicly available in DiVA. However, on the Upload Files page of the registration form, you can choose to archive the manuscript in PDF format. Please indicate Archiving only and the file will not appear publicly in DiVA. If you prefer not to archive the manuscript in DiVA, you do not need to upload a full-text file.
  7. On the final page of the registration form, check the information you have entered. Click on Edit information if there is anything that needs to be added or changed. This will take you back to the Enter information page. Once all the information is correct, click on Submit.
Before registering the summary, make sure that all included papers are registered in DiVA.


1. Select publication type

Follow these steps to register the comprehensive summary (kappa) and information about the thesis in DiVA, and to link the summary to the papers:

  1. Log in to DiVA
  2. Select Add publication / Upload files
  3. Select one of the following publication types from the drop-down list:
    • Doctoral thesis, comprehensive summary
    • Licentiate thesis, comprehensive summary
  4. Click on Continue

2. Link your papers to the compilation thesis

Locate your papers by searching for example by author name, title or the unique identifier of the item (urn:nbn). Select your papers and click on Add. The papers you have added will appear under List papers.

Check that all the papers included in the thesis are listed and that they are in the correct order. The order of the papers should be the same as in the list of papers in the thesis. If necessary, you can change the order of the papers using the arrows on the left. By clicking on the red X on the right, you can delete an incorrect entry.

When all the papers are in the right order in the list, click on Continue.

3. Enter information

You can save your registration as a draft at any time by clicking on Cancel / Save draft and selecting Save a draft. The registration you have started will then appear under My drafts.
Author and organisational affiliation

Enter your first and last name, year of birth and e-mail address in the corresponding fields. Later when you post your thesis, the posting receipt will be sent to the e-mail address you entered in DiVA.

Enter your Uppsala University user ID in the Local User Id field. Click on Connect authority record, which will automatically insert organisational affiliation information if possible. For more information on authority records, see the Manage and edit authority records guide.

Add the correct organisational affiliation if it was missing in the authority record. Browse the DiVA organisation tree via the Choose organisation button. The organisational unit you select must correspond to the one in the thesis.

The minimum requirement is that you specify the department at UU with which you are affiliated according to your thesis. If applicable, you can go deeper in the hierarchy and enter the division or research programme. If you do this, the department will automatically be included.

If you are affiliated with another university, please indicate this in the field Other organisation.


Enter the Main title, Subtitle (if any) and Language of the thesis. The Alternative title section is used if the thesis has an alternative title in another language.

Text in the main title and subtitle fields is automatically separated by a colon when viewing the record in DiVA's search tool.

Year of publication and number of pages

In the Other information section, enter the year of publication of the thesis and the number of pages. The number of pages should correspond to the last numbered page of the thesis, excluding appendices and papers.


DiVA contains a list of series at Uppsala University. Select the series in which the thesis is to be published from the Series drop-down list.

If your thesis is administered by Thesis Production, then Thesis Production is responsible for assigning the thesis a number in the series and adding it to the record.

Publisher and place

For theses published by Uppsala University, the University is indicated as the publisher, and Uppsala as the place of publication.

Enter the place of publication in the Place field.

Start typing the publisher's name in the Publisher field and select from the list. If the publisher is not available on the list, you can add its name in the free text field Other publisher.


If the thesis is administered by Thesis Production, then Thesis Production is responsible for assigning an ISBN number to the thesis and adding it to the record.

If the thesis was published in another way, i.e. by a publisher, please enter the ISBN number.

National subject category

Indicate the subject of the thesis in as much detail as possible, i.e. at least three-digit level, but preferable five digits. Search or browse for a subject in the list. You can also use the Suggestion for national subject category function, which suggests a subject based on the subjects in SwePub's subject classification tool (interface in Swedish).

Research topic

The list of research topics lists local research topics at Uppsala University. Select the subject of your research from the drop-down list.

If a topic is missing from the list, please contact the Library.


Please enter keywords/subjects that describe the content of the thesis. Multiple keywords should be separated by commas.

Keywords can be entered in more than one language. To do so, click on the button Keywords in another language. Note that only keywords in English are shown in the posting information.


It is mandatory to enter an abstract in English. In order to fit on the posting information sheet, the abstract should not exceed 350 words.

Enter the abstract and select the language. If you paste text from the publisher's website or from Word or other word processing software, you may get unwanted formatting. To avoid this, click on the Klistra in som text (Paste as text) icon Paste as text and then paste the abstract.

Ensure that the text looks correct. It is particularly important that spaces and paragraph divisions are included, and that no invalid characters have been added.

You can enter the abstract in several languages. To do so, click on the Another abstract button.

Supervisor and opponent

Enter the name, academic title and organisational affiliation of the supervisor and the opponent. If either of them is affiliated with another university, please indicate this in the field Other organisation.

To enter more than one supervisor or opponent, click on Another supervisor or Another opponent.

Public defence or presentation

For a doctoral thesis: select the date and time of the defence by clicking on the calendar next to the date field. Indicate the language of the defence, the degree-granting university, and the location and address of the defence.

For a licentiate thesis: select the date and time of the presentation by clicking on the calendar next to the date field. Indicate the language in which the presentation will be held and the location and address of the presentation.


Select the title of the degree from the drop-down list.

Click on Continue to go to the next page.

4. Check if you should upload files

If Thesis Production is handling your doctoral or licentiate thesis, you should not upload any files. In these cases, Thesis Production will upload the final thesis file at a later stage.

If Thesis Production has not been involved in the production of your compilation licentiate thesis, you can attach the summary in full-text (PDF format).

Click on Continue to go to the next page.

5. Submit the record to DiVA

The fourth and final page, Review / Publish, provides an overview of the information registered for the thesis.

Click Edit information if you anything needs to be added or changed. This will take you back to the Enter information page.

If all the information in the entry is correct, click Submit.

Once you have submitted your thesis, you can no longer view or edit your registration. Please contact the Library if you need to edit anything afterwards.

Entries for licentiate theses become visible in the DiVA search tool once they have been reviewed by the Library.

Doctoral theses entries are also reviewed by the Library, and are not published until the posting of the thesis. Information on the posting process can be found in Thesis Production's guide.