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DiVA for Researchers and Administrators

Edit or delete records

As an employee at Uppsala University, you can edit records that you have registered yourself, as well as records where you are the author or editor. You can also edit records where the Local user Id field contains your user ID.

There are some exceptions, however:

  • Only DiVA administrators can edit records containing uploaded files, as well as records for doctoral theses and student theses. Contact a DiVA administrator at your department or the Library for help in making changes to records that you cannot access
  • If you are an administrator at a department and want to edit a publication record, see the Manage research publications guide
  • If you are a student thesis administrator at a department and want to edit a student thesis record, see the Manage student theses guide

If you find errors in the entries for your publications from Uppsala University in the national publication database SwePub, correct the error in DiVA. Corrections made in DiVA are reflected in SwePub the following day.


Edit record in DiVA

  1. Log in to DiVA
  2. Select Edit / Delete record
  3. Find the record you want to edit. You can search using any keywords, such as words from the title or an author name. If you know the record's unique identifier, you can search for it in the urn:nbn field (e.g. urn:nbn:se:uu:diva-51139)
  4. Click on the record you want to edit or complete. One of the following will occur:


Option 1: You have access to the record

This opens the record and you can edit it.

Then proceed to the Review / Publish page and click on Accept.


Option 2: You need to confirm authorship or editorship in order to edit the record

Before clicking on an entry to claim authorship, double-check that it is one of your publications and not a publication by someone else with a similar name.

When you click on an entry, a pop-up box will appear containing: your last name; first initial or first name; and user ID. Check that the information provided is correct and do one of the following:

  1. Click Save to add just your user ID to the record. The system saves the data and returns to the list of results.


  1. Click on Save and change details if you want to further check the information in the record. The data is saved, the record opens and you can make changes
  2. Then go to the Review / Publish page and click on Accept


Option 3: You do not have access to the record

A pop-up box will appear, informing you that you are not authorised to edit the record yourself. For example, this may be because the record contains attached files.

Contact a DiVA administrator at your department or the Library for help in making changes to records that you cannot access.

As an employee at Uppsala University, you can delete entries that you have registered yourself, as well as entries where you are the author or editor. You can also delete records where the Local user ID field contains your user ID.

However, there are some exceptions:

  • Only DiVA administrators can delete records containing uploaded files, as well as records for theses and student theses. Contact an administrator at your department or the Library for assistance in deleting a record that you cannot access
  • If you are an administrator at a department and want to edit a publication record, see the Manage research publications guide
  • If you are a student thesis administrator at a department and want to edit a student thesis record, see the Manage student theses guide


Things to consider before deleting a record

  • Be careful not to accidentally delete something that is supposed to be retained in DiVA. If in doubt, contact the Library
  • To ensure that you are deleting the correct record, use the record's unique identifier/URI (e.g. urn:nbn:se:uu:diva-nnnnn) to find the record to be deleted
  • Are you deleting a duplicate? First check if the two records contain different information, and if so, ensure that the record you want to keep is complete


Delete record in DiVA

  1. Log in to DiVA
  2. Select Edit / Delete record
  3. Find the record you want to delete. You can search using any keywords, such as words from the title or author name. If you know the record's unique identifier, you can search for it in the urn:nbn field (e.g. urn:nbn:se:uu:diva-nnnnn)
  4. In the list of results, delete the entry by clicking on the red X to the right of the entry and confirming that you want to delete it. This will completely delete the record from DiVA

Link publications to your profile page

Search for your name in DiVA, either in Simple search or by Person (author) in Advanced search. This will show the publications that are already registered. Publications that appear here, but are not listed on your profile page, do not contain your user ID. See below for instructions on how to add user ID to your publication records.

If any of your publications are not present in DiVA, you can register them. If possible, use the Importing references to DiVA guide.

Adding user ID to your publications

If you are an employee of Uppsala University, you can add your user ID to your publication records in any of the following ways:

  1. Log in to DiVA
  2. Go to Edit / Delete record
  3. Search for your publications by entering your last name and first name/first initial in the Author field
  4. You will see a list of records and can choose to view All, My records or Coauthors
    • All shows all records in DiVA that match your search, regardless of whether you have the right to edit the record or not
    • My records shows records you have registered yourself (with or without your user ID in the Local user Id field), and/or records registered by someone else that contains your user ID in the Local user Id field
    • Coauthors shows records registered by someone else that do not contain your user ID in the Local User Id field


However, if you are a DiVA administrator and want to add a user ID or make other changes, you will need to search for each record individually. See the Manage research publications guide.

To add user ID to records you have registered yourself in DiVA, do the following:

  1. Select My records from the drop-down list
  2. Click on a record and check if your user ID is listed in the Local User Id field next to your author information
  3. Add your user ID if missing
    • If you click on Connect authority record and select your authority record in DiVA, your user ID will be added automatically. However, make sure that the organisational affiliation added by the authority record matches your organisational affiliation in the current publication
  4. Check, if you wish, that the information in the record is correct. Proceed to the last page of the form and click on Accept
  5. Repeat steps 2-4 for all records in the list that you wish to edit

There may be records for your publications in DiVA that have been registered by a co-author or administrator without including your user ID. To claim authorship, do the following:

  1. Select Coauthors from the drop-down list
  2. Before clicking on an entry to claim authorship, double-check that it is one of your publications and not a publication by someone else with a similar name
  3. When you click on an entry, a pop-up box will appear containing: your last name; first initial or first name; and user ID. Sometimes the system finds several possible author names, in which case you select your name from the drop-down list.
  4. Check that the information provided is correct and do one of the following:
    • Click Save to add just your user ID to the record. The system saves the data and returns to the list of results
    • Click on Save and change details if you want to further check the information in the record. The data is saved, the record opens and you can make changes. See the Register publications guide for information on the different fields of the form
  5. Repeat steps 2-4 for all records in the list that you want to edit