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DiVA for Researchers and Administrators

Manage research publications in DiVA

If you are a DiVA administrator and have logged into DiVA, you can manage the publications of your unit, department or programme depending on your authority in DiVA.

Contact the Library if you are unable to access a publication you wish to edit.

Edit or delete records

  1. Log in to DiVA
  2. Select Edit / Delete record
  3. Find the record you want to edit. You can search using any words, such as words from the title or author name. If you know the record's unique identifier, you can search for it in the urn:nbn field (e.g. urn:nbn:se:uu:diva-51139)
  4. Click on the record you want to edit or supplement. This will open the record and allow you to edit it
  5. See the Register publications guide for information about the fields in the form
  6. If you want to upload a file, follow the instructions in the Publish full-text files guide
  7. Proceed to the Review/Publish page and click on Accept.
If you upload a full text or other attachment afterwards, the full text will remain hidden in DiVA until it has been reviewed by an administrator at the Library.

Things to consider before deleting a record

  • Be careful not to accidentally delete something that is supposed to be retained in DiVA. If in doubt, contact the Library
  • To ensure that you are deleting the correct record, use the record's unique identifier/URI (e.g. urn:nbn:se:uu:diva-51139) to find the record to be deleted
  • Are you deleting a duplicate? First check if the two records contain different information, and if so, ensure that the record you want to keep is complete.

Delete record in DiVA

  1. Log in to DiVA
  2. Select Edit / Delete record
  3. Find the record you want to delete. You can use any keywords, such as words from the title or author name. If you know the record's unique identifier, you can search for it in the urn:nbn field (e.g. urn:nbn:se:uu:diva-51139)
  4. In the list of results, delete the entry by clicking on the red X to the right of the entry and confirming that you want to delete it. This will completely delete the record from DiVA.
Note: Records containing uploaded files can only be deleted by Library staff with domain administrator rights. Please contact the Library if you are unable to delete a record in DiVA.

Manage authority records

As an administrator, you can connect, create or edit authority records for university employees.

Authority records in DiVA are used to link publications and projects to the correct Uppsala University employee. An authority record also provides an overview of information about the author (such as organisational affiliation) and their publications during their time as an employee at the University.

Use the following procedure to connect each UU author's authority record:

  1. Click on Connect authority record
  2. This will display either the author or a list of matches. Be sure to check that the correct person is selected
  3. Click on the link for the organisation associated with the publication. You may need to select more than one department. Information about the author is taken from the authority record and automatically filled in

If the correct affiliation is not available in the authority record

  1. Follow the instructions above
  2. After adding the authority record, delete the organisational units, if any, that were included.
  3. Click on Choose organisation
  4. Search or browse for the correct organisation. If applicable, select division or research programme, otherwise just department
  5. Click on Update authority record

If an author associated with Uppsala University has no authority record, you can create a new authority record when you register or edit a publication in DiVA. This requires that the author has a user ID and/or ORCID ID.

You can find the user ID of an Uppsala University employee on their profile page in the catalogue of staff, deparments and units at Uppsala University.

If an UU author has an ORCID ID, it can be added in the appropriate field. ORCID ID is internationally used to link the researcher (including any name variants) to their publications, and to the organisations they are (or have been) affiliated with. ORCID IDs in DiVA facilitate better analyses and research evaluations, both locally and nationally.

Note: Missing authority record mainly applies to new employees, so always check first by clicking on Connect authority record. If this fails, follow the instructions below.

1. Fill in the details of the author as stated in the publication, as well as the user ID and/or ORCID ID.

2. Click on Create authority record under the Author heading.

When registering or editing a publication, you can update authority records with the following information:

  • Alternative name form
  • Organisational affiliation
  • Year of birth
  • E-mail address
After selecting an authority record in DiVA, you can add information in the appropriate fields, and then click on Update authority record.

If you want to add an ORCID ID to the authority record, please contact the library.