Register, publish and manage records in DiVA

Things to consider before registering a publication in DiVA

Research publications indexed in Web of Science

On a weekly basis, the Library imports Uppsala University affiliated publications that are indexed in the database Web of Science to DiVA. Any publications not indexed in Web of Science need to be added to DiVA by researchers themselves or by administrators at the departments.

Check if the publication is already registered in DiVA

To avoid duplicate registration, start by searching DiVA for the title of the publication. If the publication is already in DiVA, you can edit the existing record if needed.

Facilitate registration by importing the reference

Are you registering a new publication? If possible, import a reference saved from a database or journal website. Two common reference formats that are supported in DiVA are BibTex and RIS. Follow the instructions in the Import references to DiVA guide.

Register manually or with a DOI

If you want to register a journal article, another option is to retrieve data using the article's DOI. You will find more information in the section "Register a journal article with DOI" below.

If it is not possible to import from a database or register via DOI, please register the publication data manually. Follow the instructions in the section "Enter information".

About the registration form

You can toggle the language of headings, buttons and help texts in the DiVA form by clicking on the Language button in the upper right corner. The available languages are Swedish, English and Norwegian.

Available fields in the DiVA registration form vary depending on the type of publication. Mandatory fields are marked with an asterisk (*).

Hover over the question mark next to a field in the registration form to see an explanatory text about the field. Detailed descriptions of the different fields are also available further down this page. See the section "Enter information".

Should I fill in all the fields in the DiVA registration form?

You do not need to fill in all the fields in the registration form.

However, some fields are required for all publication types:

  • Author/editor/contributor (first and last name)
  • Title and language
  • Content type (refereed, other academic or popular science)
  • Year of publication
  • National subject category

There might also be other required fields, depending on the publication type.

Some fields are not required, but strongly recommended. You should always enter organisational affiliation (department, division or research programme) as well as the user ID for all authors/editors/contributors affiliated to Uppsala University. It is important that publications are linked to the correct author and department at the University, as this impacts bibliometric analyses, evaluations and allocation of research funds.

Register a research publication in DiVA – three options

If you are registering an article or a review article that has a DOI, bibliographic information about the publication can be retrieved from the Crossref service:

  1. Log in to DiVA
  2. Select Add publication / Upload files
  3. Select one of the following publication types from the drop-down list:
    • Article in journal
    • Article, review/survey
  4. Click on Continue
  5. Enter the DOI of the publication in the field under the heading "Get information with DOI-number" and click the Fetch button
  6. A dialog box will list the retrieved information, as well as additional information that you can add manually. The amount of data available in Crossref varies. Check the automatically entered information and complete where necessary. Some fields are mandatory, depending on the type of publication. For more information on specific fields, see the section "Enter information", further down in this guide.
  7. You have the option to attach a file on the Upload files page. See the instructions in the Publishing full-text files guide
  8. The last page, Review / Publish, summarises the details of the publication. Check that everything is correct and then click Submit. The new record will then be added to DiVA
You can save your entry as a draft at any time by clicking on Cancel  / Save draft and selecting Save draft. The draft will appear under My drafts.

If you are registering a publication and there are other, similar publications in DiVA, copying an already registered record can save you time:

  1. Log in to DiVA
  2. Select Edit / Delete record
  3. Find the record you want to copy. You can search using words from the title or an author name. If you know the record's unique identifier, you can search for it in the urn:nbn field (e.g. urn:nbn:se:uu:diva-51139)
  4. In the list of results, click on the icon to the left of the record to create an editable copy
  5. On the Enter information page, fill in bibliographic information about the publication you want to register. Edit the details and check carefully that there is no remaining information specific to the publication of the record you copied. Depending on the type of publication, certain fields are mandatory. For more information on specific fields, please refer to the section “Enter information”, further down in this guide
  6. You have the option to attach a file on the Upload files page. See the instructions in the Publishing full-text files guide
  7. The last page, Review / Publish, summarises the details of the publication. Check that everything is correct and then click Submit. The new record will then be added to DiVA
You can save your entry as a draft at any time by clicking on Cancel / Save draft and selecting Save draft. The draft will appear under My drafts.

If you are unable to use any of the above methods to retrieve information about the publication for DiVA, register the publication manually:

  1. Log in to DiVA
  2. Select Add publication / Upload files
  3. Select the publication type from the drop-down list. Hover over the question mark next to "Select publication type" to view a description of the different options
  4. Click on Continue
  5. On the Enter information page, enter bibliographic information about the publication you wish to register. Some fields are mandatory, depending on the type of publication. For more information on specific fields, please refer to the section “Enter information” further down in this guide
  6. You may attach a file on the Upload files page, if you wish. See the instructions in the Publishing full-text files guide
  7. The last page, Review / Publish, summarises the details of the publication. Check that everything is correct and then click Submit. The new record will then be added to DiVA
You can save your entry as a draft at any time by clicking on Cancel  / Save draft and selecting Save draft. The draft will appear under My drafts.

Enter information

Select publication type

  • Article in journal is used for an article in a scholarly or other journal, as well as for a newspaper article
  • Article, review is used for a review of a book, movie, exhibition, software etc. published in a journal or newspaper
  • Article, review/survey is used for an overview of a research area published in a journal

Errata/correction/corrigendum should not be registered as a separate record in DiVA. Instead, please enter such information in the Note field in the record for the article. A template is available in the Note section below.


To begin registering an article or review:

  1. Log in to DiVA
  2. Select Add publication / Upload files
  3. Select one of the following publication types from the drop-down list:
    • Article in journal
    • Article, book review
    • Article, review/survey
  4. Click on Continue

Enter information

For the publication types Article in journal, Article, book review, and Article, review/survey, the following fields are either mandatory or optional:


Note that you should not specify a subcategory if you are registering a book review, a peer-reviewed article or a review of a research area.


Select a subcategory from the drop-down list if the article is one of the following:

  • Meeting Abstract: A summary of a paper presented at a symposium or conference, and published in a journal
    • If the abstract is published in a conference proceedings, a book of abstracts or similar – refer instead to the instructions for the publication type Conference paper
  • Editorial material: an article that expresses the views of an individual, group or organisation (e.g. editorials, interviews, commentaries and discussions)
  • Letter: Submission or correspondence to the journal editor regarding previously published material
    • This sub-category should not be selected for those peer-reviewed articles that are referred to as "Letters" in some journals
  • News item: article in a newspaper (including opinion pieces) or other news article

Author and affiliation*

*It is mandatory to enter the first and last names of at least one author


Multiple authors

List authors in the order in which they appear in the publication, and add additional authors via the Another author button. You can use the arrows to rearrange the order in which the authors appear.

Number of authors

Enter the complete list of authors.

This is not obligatory for publications with a large number of authors. In this case, you should enter the first and last author, as well as all the authors affiliated with Uppsala University in between. Use the Number of authors field to note the total number of authors if all are not listed in the record.

User ID and ORCID ID

Enter the appropriate user ID in the Local User Id fields for all UU authors. User IDs are used to link records in DiVA to publication lists on profile pages and on pages on the University's website.

You can find the user ID of an Uppsala University employee on their profile page in the catalogue of staff, deparments and units at UU.

If an UU author has an ORCID ID, it can be added in the appropriate field. ORCID ID is internationally used to link the researcher (including any name variants) to their publications, and to the organisations they are (or have been) affiliated with. ORCID IDs in DiVA facilitate better analyses and research evaluations, both locally and nationally.

Connect authority record

Click on Connect authority record for each of the UU authors, in order to automatically insert organisational affiliations where possible. Be sure to select the correct authority record.

Authority records in DiVA are used to link publications to the right employee at Uppsala University. An authority record also provides an overview of information about the author (such as organisational affiliation) and their total publications during the time as an employee at the University.

More information about authority records can be found in the Manage and edit authority records guide.


Add the correct organisational affiliation for the UU authors if it was not included in their authority records.

Browse the DiVA organisation tree via the Choose organisation button. The minimum requirement is that you specify the department at UU to which the author is affiliated according to the publication. If applicable, go deeper in the hierarchy and enter the division or research programme. When you do this, the department will automatically be included.

If an organisation is missing from the list, please contact the Library.

If the publication indicates that a Uppsala University author is affiliated with an additional organisation, please specify this in the Other organisation field.

You can also register publications created while employed at other organisations. In these cases, you should not select your current UU department as your affiliation. Instead, enter your affiliation at the time in the Other organisation field, as it appears in the publication.


*It is mandatory to indicate the main title and language of the article


Enter the Main title, Subtitle (if any) and Language of the article.

Text in the main title and subtitle fields is automatically separated by a colon when the record is displayed in DiVA's search tool.

Content type*

*It is mandatory to specify the type of content


Indicate the category to which the article belongs:

  • Refereed: the scientific content of the article has been reviewed by independent referees and accepted for publication
  • Other academic: the article is intended for the academic community, but has not been peer-reviewed
  • Other (popular science, discussion, etc.): the article is aimed at the general public


Types of articles that are not subject to peer review

  • Article, book review
  • Subcategory Editorial material
  • Subcategory Letter
  • Subcategory News item


Enter the status of the article. Published is the default, but it is possible to specify one of the following options:

  • Submitted: the article has been submitted to the journal, but has not yet been accepted for publication
  • Accepted: the article has been accepted for publication, but is not yet published
  • In press: the article has been accepted for publication and is in the process of being published
  • Epub ahead of print: the article has been posted on the publisher's website prior to being published in the journal with complete bibliographic information such as volume, issue and page numbers


*It is mandatory to indicate the title of the journal


In the field Part of journal, paste the ISSN of the journal or start typing the title and select the journal from the suggestions displayed. The selected journal will be added as a new field below the search box.

If you cannot find the journal in the list, enter the title and ISSN in the Other journal section.


If the article is related to a conference, enter the title, location and date of the conference in the appropriate field.

Year of publication, volume etc.*

*It is mandatory to indicate the year of publication of the article


In the Other information section, enter the year of publication of the article and - if available - the volume, number and either the article ID or the pages. As a rule, pages are not entered if the article has an article ID.


Start typing the name of the publisher of the journal in the Publisher field and select from the list.

If you cannot find the publisher in the list, enter its name in the free text field Other publisher.


Option 1: DOI

If possible, enter the DOI of the article (without the prefix When the record is published in DiVA, a DOI link to the article is generated.

If the article is published open access, tick the Free full-text box next to the DOI field.

Option 2: URL

Some articles do not have a DOI. In these cases, add a link to the article on the publisher's website in the URL field instead. However, do not enter a URL if the article has a DOI.

Use the URL label field to add a descriptive text (e.g. "Article in full-text") that replaces the link text when viewing the record in DiVA's search tool. This clarifies where the link leads to.

If the article is published open access, tick the Free full-text box next to the URL label field.

National subject category*

*It is mandatory to specify the subject of the article


Indicate the subject of the publication in as much detail as possible, i.e. at least at the three-digit (but preferably five-digit) level. Search or browse for a subject by clicking on Choose national subject category. You can also use the Suggestion for national subject category function, which suggests subjects based on the subject categories in SwePub's subject classification tool (interface in Swedish).

If uncertain about the choice of subject category, the Find a Detailed-level National Subject Area tool by Linköping University Library can be helpful. The tool generates suggestions for national subject categories at a detailed level based on the article's abstract and the journal's ISSN.

The subject categories available in DiVA are used for subject classification of publications in the national search engine SwePub, which contains records from DiVA and corresponding local databases at Swedish universities.

Research subject

The list of research subjects is a local overview of research conducted at Uppsala University. Research topics are mainly used for theses in DiVA, but may also be used for other publications.

If a subject is missing from the list, please contact the Library.


It is possible to link the article to projects that are registered in DiVA. If applicable, click on Search and add project to link to a project.

If the project is missing in DiVA, you can enter the title in the free text field Part of other project. Click on the Another other project button to add additional projects.


Please enter keywords/subject words that describe the content of the article, as this makes the publication more findable in DiVA. Multiple keywords are separated by commas. When adding keywords, you also need to select the Language from the drop-down list.

Keywords can be entered in more than one language. To do so, click on the button Keywords in another language.


Providing an abstract of the article can also enhance searchability in DiVA. When adding an abstract, you need to select the Language from the drop-down list.

If you paste text from the journal's website or from Word or another word processing software, it may include unwanted formatting. To avoid this, click on the Klistra in som text (Paste as text) icon Paste as text and then paste the abstract.

Abstracts can be entered in more than one language. To do so, click on the Another abstract button.


Only use the note field for details about the publication that are not possible to enter in any other field. For instance, if you want to indicate shared first or last authorship of the publication.

Errata/correction/corrigendum for an article is noted according to the following template: Correction in: Journal, vol. x, issue y, page or article ID z, DOI: the correction's DOI without the prefix

Research funder

If the publication is part of a project that has a research funder, you can search or browse for the funder in the Research funders and strategic development areas list. If applicable, enter a project number.

Additional funders may be added if required.

If a funder is not available in the list, please contact the Library.

Select publication type

Artistic output is used for artistic works, such as:

  • fiction
  • visual art
  • film
  • video clips
  • theatre
  • dance
  • music
  • radio
  • TV

To start registering artistic output:

  1. Log in to DiVA
  2. Select Add publication / Upload files
  3. Select the following publication type from the drop-down list:
    • Artistic output
  4. Click on Continue

Enter information

The following fields are mandatory or optional for the publication type Artistic output:


If there are named contributors of the work, they should be entered in the Contributor section. Enter their First name, their Last name and select their Role from the drop-down list.

Enter the appropriate user ID in the Local User Id fields for all Uppsala University contributors. You can find the user ID of an Uppsala University employee on their profile page in the catalogue of staff, deparments and units at UU.

If an UU contributor has an ORCID ID, it can be added in the appropriate field. ORCID ID is internationally used to link the researcher (including any name variants) to their publications, and to the organisations they are (or have been) affiliated with. ORCID IDs in DiVA facilitate better analyses and research evaluations, both locally and nationally.

Click on Connect authority record for each of the UU contributors, to automatically insert organisational affiliations where possible. Be sure to select the correct authority record. More information about authority records can be found in the Manage and edit authority records guide.


*It is mandatory to indicate the main title and language of the work


Enter the Main title, Subtitle (if any) and Language of the work.

Text in the main title and subtitle fields is automatically separated by a colon when the record is displayed in DiVA's search tool.

Alternative title

If the work has an alternative title, such as a translation from the original language, you can enter this in the Alternative title section. The title may be divided into a main title and a subtitle. The Language of the alternative title must also be specified.

Content type*

*It is mandatory to specify the type of content


Indicate whether the work has been independently peer-reviewed during the publishing process, or not.

Type of resource

In the Type of resource drop-down list, you can specify a descriptive category for the work, i.e. whether it is a text-based work, an image, a video or an audio recording.

Physical description

In the Physical description free text field, you can briefly describe the physical attributes of the work. The Language of the description should also be specified.

If you paste text from Word or from another word processing program, it may include unwanted formatting. To avoid this, click on the Klistra in som text (Paste as text) icon Paste as text and then paste the text.

It is possible to enter descriptions in several languages. In such case, click on the Another physical description button.

Year of publication, number of pages*

*It is mandatory to indicate the year the work was made available


Enter the Year the work was presented or published.

If the work has paginated pages, enter the last paginated page in the Number of pages field.

Publisher and publication channel

If the work is published by a publisher, please indicate this. Start typing the publisher's name in the Publisher field and select from the list.

If the publisher is not in the list, you can enter their name in the free text field Other publisher.

Place of publication is not mandatory, but recommended if you have specified a publisher.

You can also indicate the Publication channel, i.e. where the work was made public. For example, this field can be used if the work is a video published on Youtube, or a work of art displayed in a gallery.



If applicable, the ISBN of the work is indicated in the appropriate field. ISBNs may have 10 or 13 digits, and can be entered with or without hyphens. Select from the drop-down list whether the ISBN refers to the printed version or the electronic publication.

You can specify several ISBNs by clicking on the Another ISBN button.


If applicable, enter the DOI (without the prefix of the work in the DOI field. When the record is published in DiVA, a DOI link to the work is generated.

If the work is published open access, tick the Free full-text box next to the DOI field.


Some digitally published works do not have a DOI. In these cases, you may add a link to information about the work in the URL field.

In the URL label field, you can add descriptive text (e.g. "Available as full-text") to replace the link text when viewing the record in DiVA's search tool. This clarifies where the link leads to.

If the work is published open access, tick the Free full-text box next to the URL label field.

National subject category*

*It is mandatory to specify the subject of the chapter


Indicate the subject of the work in as much detail as possible, i.e. at least at the three-digit (but preferably five-digit) level. Search or browse for a subject by clicking on Choose national subject category. You can also use the Suggestion for national subject category function, which suggests subjects based on the subject categories in SwePub's subject classification tool (interface in Swedish).

The subject categories available in DiVA are used for subject classification of publications in the national search engine SwePub, which contains records from DiVA and corresponding local databases at Swedish universities.

Research subject

The list of research subjects is a local overview of research conducted at Uppsala University. Research topics are mainly used for dissertations in DiVA, but may also be used for other publications.

If a subject is missing from the list, please contact the Library.


It is possible to link the work to projects that are registered in DiVA. If applicable, click on Search and add project to link to a project.

If the project is missing in DiVA, you can enter the title in the free text field Part of other project. Click on the Another other project button to add additional projects.


Please enter keywords/subject words that describe the content of the work, as this facilitates finding the work in DiVA. Multiple keywords are separated by commas. When adding keywords, you also need to select the Language from the drop-down list.

Keywords can be entered in more than one language. To do so, click on the button Keywords in another language.


You can describe the work to put it in context, for example by specifying the question or problem that inspired its creation, its relationship to other works, or the place and time of its presentation. When adding a free text description, you also need to select its Language from the drop-down list.

If you paste text from the publisher's website or from Word or other word processing software, this may result in unwanted formatting. To avoid this, click on the Klistra in som text (Paste as text) icon Paste as text and then paste the description.

Descriptions can be entered in more than one language. To do so, click on the Another description button.


Providing an abstract of the work can enhance searchability in DiVA. When adding an abstract, you need to select the Language from the drop-down list.

If you paste text from the publisher’s website or from Word or other word processing software, it may include unwanted formatting. To avoid this, click on the Klistra in som text (Paste as text) icon Paste as text and then paste the abstract.

Abstracts can be entered in more than one language. To do so, click on the Another abstract button.


Only use the note field for details about the publication that are not possible to enter in any other field. For instance, if you want to indicate shared first or last authorship of the publication.

Research funder

If the work is part of a project that has a research funder, you can search or browse for the funder in the Research funders and strategic development areas list. If applicable, enter a project number.

Additional funders may be added if required.

If a funder is not available in the list, please contact the Library.

Select publication type

Book is used for published monographs (not for anthologies/collections)


To start registering a book:

  1. Log in to DiVA
  2. Select Add publication / Upload files
  3. Select the following publication type from the drop-down list:
    • Book
  4. Click on Continue

Enter information

The following fields are mandatory or optional for the publication type Book:

Author and affiliation*

*It is mandatory to enter the first and last names of at least one author


Multiple authors

List the authors in the order in which they appear in the publication, and add additional authors via the Another author button. You can use the arrows to rearrange the order in which the authors appear.

Number of authors

Enter the complete list of authors.

This is not obligatory for publications with a large number of authors. In this case, you should enter the first and last author, as well as all the authors affiliated with Uppsala University in between. Use the Number of authors field to note the total number of authors if all are not listed in the record.

User ID and ORCID ID

Enter the appropriate user ID in the Local User Id fields for all UU authors. User IDs are used to link records in DiVA to publication lists on profile pages and on pages on the University's website.

You can find the user ID of an Uppsala University employee on their profile page in the catalogue of staff, deparments and units at UU.

If an UU author has an ORCID ID, it can be added in the appropriate field. ORCID ID is internationally used to link the researcher (including any name variants) to their publications, and to the organisations they are (or have been) affiliated with. ORCID IDs in DiVA facilitate better analyses and research evaluations, both locally and nationally.

Connect authority record

Click on Connect authority record for each of the UU authors, to automatically insert organisational affiliations where possible. Be sure to select the correct authority record.

Authority records in DiVA are used to link publications to the right employee at Uppsala University. An authority record also provides an overview of information about the author (such as organisational affiliation) and their total publications during the time as an employee at the University.

More information about authority records can be found in the Manage and edit authority records guide.


Add the correct organisational affiliation for the UU authors if it was not included in their authority records.

Browse the DiVA organisation tree via the Choose organisation button. The minimum requirement is that you specify the department at UU to which the author is affiliated according to the publication. If applicable, you can go deeper in the hierarchy and enter the division or research programme. When you do this, the department will automatically be included.

If an organisation is missing from the list, please contact the Library.

If the publication indicates that an Uppsala University author is affiliated with an additional organisation, please specify this in the Other organisation field.

It is also possible to register publications created while employed at other organisations. In these cases, you should not select your current UU department as your affiliation. Instead, enter your affiliation at the time in the Other organisation field, as it appears in the publication.


*It is mandatory to indicate the main title and language of the book


Enter the Main title, Subtitle (if any) and Language of the book.

Text in the main title and subtitle fields is automatically separated by a colon when the record is displayed in DiVA's search tool.

Alternative title

If the book has an alternative title, such as the title in the original language, you can enter it in the Alternative title section. The title can be divided into a main title and a subtitle. The Language of the alternative title must also be specified.

Content type*

*It is mandatory to specify the type of content


Indicate the category to which the book belongs:

  • Refereed: the scientific content of the book has been reviewed by independent referees and accepted for publication
  • Other academic: the book is intended for the academic community, but has not been peer-reviewed
  • Other (popular science, discussion, etc.): the book is aimed at the general public

Year of publication, edition, number of pages*

*It is mandatory to indicate the year of publication of the book


In the Year field, enter the year of publication of the book.

Enter the Edition number if the book is a revised version (not just a reprint) of a previously published work. Do not enter the edition number when registering the first edition.

The Number of pages you enter should be the last numbered page of the book.


DiVA contains a list of publication series published at Uppsala University. If the book is part of one of these, select it from the Series drop-down list.

If the series is not available in the drop-down list, you can enter the title of the series and ISSN (if any) in the free text fields under Other series.

If applicable, enter the number of the book within the series.


*It is mandatory to indicate the publisher of the book


Start typing the publisher's name in the Publisher field and select from the list.

If the publisher is not available in the list, you can enter its name in the free text field Other publisher.

The place of publication is recommended, although not mandatory.



Enter the ISBN number in 10 or 13 digits, with or without hyphens. Select from the drop-down list whether the ISBN refers to the printed or electronic publication. Undefined is used if it is uncertain which version the ISBN refers to.

You can add additional ISBNs by clicking on the Additional ISBN button.

DOI for e-book

Books available in e-book format may have a DOI, which can be entered (without the prefix in the DOI field. When the record is published in DiVA, a DOI link to the e-book is generated.

If the e-book is published as open access, tick the Free full-text box next to the DOI field.

URL for e-book

Some e-books do not have a DOI. In such cases, you can add a URL (link) to information about the book on the publisher's website in the URL field instead. Do not enter a URL if the book has a DOI.

In the URL label field, you can add descriptive text (e.g. "Book in full-text") to replace the link text when viewing the record in DiVA's search tool. This clarifies where the link leads to.

If the e-book is published as open access, tick the Free full-text box next to the URL label field.

National subject category*

*It is mandatory to specify the subject of the book


Indicate the subject of the publication in as much detail as possible, i.e. at least three-digit level, but preferably five digits. Search or browse for a subject by clicking on Choose national subject category. You can also use the Suggestion for national subject category function, which suggests subjects based on the subject categories in SwePub's subject classification tool (interface in Swedish).

The subject categories available in DiVA are used for subject classification of publications in the national search engine SwePub, which contains records from DiVA and corresponding local databases at Swedish universities.

Research subject

The list of research subjects is a local overview of research conducted at Uppsala University. Research topics are mainly used for dissertations in DiVA, but may also be used for other publications.

If a subject is missing from the list, please contact the Library.


It is possible to link the book to projects that are registered in DiVA. If applicable, click on Search and add project to link to a project.

If the project is missing from DiVA, you can enter the title in the free text field Part of other project. Click on the Another other project button to add additional projects.


Please enter keywords/subject words that describe the content of the book, as this makes the publication more findable in DiVA. Multiple keywords should be separated by commas. When adding keywords, you also need to select the Language from the drop-down list.

Keywords can be entered in more than one language. To do so, click on the button Keywords in another language.


Providing an abstract of the book can also enhance searchability in DiVA. When adding an abstract, you need to select the Language from the drop-down list.

If you paste text from the publisher's website or from Word or another word processing software, it may include unwanted formatting. To avoid this, click on the Klistra in som text (Paste as text) icon Paste as text and then paste the abstract.

Abstracts can be entered in more than one language. To do so, click on the Another abstract button.


Only use the note field for details about the publication that cannot be entered in any other field. For instance, if you want to indicate shared first or last authorship of the publication.

Research funder

If the book is part of a project that has a research funder, you can search or browse for the funder in the Research funders and strategic development areas list. If applicable, enter a project number.

Additional funders may be added if required.

If a funder is not available in the list, please contact the Library.

Select publication type

Chapter in book is used for:

  • preface
  • afterword
  • chapter in anthology
  • chapter in report
  • chapter in book series
  • contribution to encyclopaedia
  • contribution to yearbook with unique title and ISBN
  • revised/reprinted conference paper published in an anthology

A DiVA registration is not appropriate in the case of individual chapters in monographs, i.e. where the author of the chapter is also the author of the book as a whole.


To start registering of a book chapter:

  1. Log in to DiVA
  2. Select Add publication / Upload files
  3. Select the following publication type from the drop-down list:
    • Chapter in book
  4. Click on Continue

Enter information

The following fields are mandatory or optional for the publication type Chapter in book:

Author and affiliation*

*It is mandatory to enter the first and last names of at least one author

Multiple authors

List authors in the order in which they appear in the publication, and add additional authors via the Another author button. You can use the arrows to rearrange the order in which the authors appear.

Number of authors

Enter the complete list of authors.

This is not obligatory for publications with a large number of authors. In this case you should enter the first and last author, and all the authors affiliated with Uppsala University between them. Use the Number of authors field to note the total number of authors if not all are listed in the record.

User ID and ORCID ID

Enter the appropriate user ID in the Local User Id fields for all UU authors. User IDs are used to link records in DiVA to publication lists on profile pages and on pages on the University's website.

You can find the user ID of an Uppsala University employee on their profile page in the catalogue of staff, deparments and units at UU.

If an UU author has an ORCID ID, it can be added in the appropriate field. ORCID ID is internationally used to link the researcher (including any name variants) to their publications, and to the organisations they are (or have been) affiliated with. ORCID IDs in DiVA facilitate better analyses and research evaluations, both locally and nationally.

Connect authority record

Click on Connect authority record for each of the UU authors, to automatically insert organisational affiliations where possible. Be sure to select the correct authority record.

Authority records in DiVA are used to link publications to the right employee at Uppsala University. An authority record also provides an overview of information about the author (such as organisational affiliation) and their total publications during the time as an employee at the University.

More information about authority records can be found in the Manage and edit authority records guide.


Add the correct organisational affiliation for the UU authors if it was not included in their authority records.

Browse the DiVA organisation tree via the Choose organisation button. The minimum requirement is that you specify the department at UU to which the author is affiliated according to the publication. If applicable, you can go deeper in the hierarchy and enter the division or research programme. When you do this, the department will automatically be included.

If an organisation is missing from the list, please contact the Library.

If the publication indicates that an Uppsala University author is affiliated with an additional organisation, please specify this in the Other organisation field.

You can also register publications created while employed at other organisations. In these cases, you should not select your current UU department as your affiliation. Instead, enter your affiliation at the time in the Other organisation field, as it appears in the publication.


*It is mandatory to indicate the main title and language of the chapter


Enter the Main title, Subtitle (if any) and Language of the chapter.

Text in the main title and subtitle fields is automatically separated by a colon when the record is displayed in DiVA's search tool.

Content type*

*It is mandatory to specify the type of content


Indicate the category to which the chapter belongs:

  • Refereed: the scientific content of the chapter has been reviewed by independent referees and accepted for publication
  • Other academic: the chapter is intended for the academic community, but has not been peer-reviewed
  • Other (popular science, discussion, etc.): the chapter is aimed at the general public

Part of book

Enter the Main title and the Subtitle (if any) of the work in which the chapter is included.

Text in the main title and subtitle fields is automatically separated by a colon when the record is displayed in DiVA's search tool.


Editors of the publication where the chapter is included should be listed in the Editor field.

Separate multiple editors with a semicolon. If all editors cannot be listed, enter the name of the first editor followed by 'et al'.

Year of publication, edition, number of pages*

*It is mandatory to indicate the year of publication of the chapter


In the Year field, enter the year of publication of the chapter.

Enter the Edition number if the work containing the chaper is a revised version (not just a reprint) of a previously published work. Do not enter the edition number when registering the first edition.

The first and last Pages of the chapter are indicated in accordance with the pagination of the publication. Leave the fields blank if the work has no pagination.


DiVA contains a list of publication series published at Uppsala University. If the work in which the chapter is published is part of a series, select it from the Series drop-down list.

If the series is not available in the drop-down list, you can enter the title of the series and ISSN (if any) in the free text fields under Other series.

Where applicable, enter the work's number within the series.


Start typing the publisher's name in the Publisher field and select from the list.

If the publisher is not available in the list, enter its name in the free text field Other publisher.

The place of publication is recommended, although not mandatory.



Enter the ISBN number in 10 or 13 digits, with or without hyphens. Select from the drop-down list whether the ISBN refers to the printed or electronic publication.

You can add more ISBNs by clicking on the Additional ISBN button.

DOI for e-book chapters

If there is only a DOI for the collection as a whole, but not for individual chapters, enter the DOI (including the prefix in the URL field.


If there is a DOI for the specific chapter you are registering in DiVA, enter it (without the prefix in the DOI field. When the record is published in DiVA, a DOI link to the chapter is generated.

If the chapter is published as open access, tick the Free full-text box next to the DOI field.

URL for chapter in e-book

Some e-books do not have a DOI. In these cases, you can add a link to information about the chapter or book on the publisher's website in the URL field instead.

In the URL label field, you can add descriptive text (e.g. "Chapter in full-text") to replace the link text when viewing the record in DiVA's search tool. This clarifies where the link leads to.

If the chapter is published as open access, tick the Free full-text box next to the URL label field.

National subject category*

*It is mandatory to specify the subject of the chapter


Indicate the subject of the publication in as much detail as possible, i.e. at least at the three-digit (but preferably five-digit) level. Search or browse for a subject by clicking on Choose national subject category. You can also use the Suggestion for national subject category function, which suggests subjects based on the subject categories in SwePub's subject classification tool (interface in Swedish).

The subject categories available in DiVA are used for subject classification of publications in the national search engine SwePub, which contains records from DiVA and corresponding local databases at Swedish universities.

Research subject

The list of research subjects is a local overview of research conducted at Uppsala University. Research topics are mainly used for dissertations in DiVA, but may also be used for other publications.

If a subject is missing from the list, please contact the Library.


It is possible to link the chapter to projects that are registered in DiVA. If applicable, click on Search and add project to link to a project.

If the project is missing in DiVA, you can enter the title in the free text field Part of other project. Click on the Another other project button to add additional projects.


Please enter keywords/subject words that describe the content of the chapter, as this makes the publication more findable in DiVA. Multiple keywords are separated by commas. When adding keywords, you also need to select the Language from the drop-down list.

Keywords can be entered in more than one language. To do so, click on the button Keywords in another language.


Providing an abstract of the chapter can also enhance searchability in DiVA. When adding an abstract, you need to select the Language from the drop-down list.

If you paste text from the publisher's website or from Word or another word processing software, it may include unwanted formatting. To avoid this, click on the Klistra in som text (Paste as text) icon Paste as text and then paste the abstract.

Abstracts can be entered in more than one language. To do so, click on the Another abstract button.


Only use the note field for details about the publication that are not possible to enter in any other field. For instance, if you want to indicate shared first or last authorship of the publication.

Research funder

If the book is part of a project that has a research funder, you can search or browse for the funder in the Research funders and strategic development areas list. If applicable, enter a project number.

Additional funders may be added if required.

If a funder is not available in the list, please contact the Library.

Select publication type

Collection (editor) is used for:

  • editorship of a collection/anthology (a publication in which several independent works are published together)
  • editorship of a report
  • editorship of a journal issue, such as a special issue or a thematic issue

Only editors of the collection should be listed in the record. Included chapters/parts written by authors connected to Uppsala University are registered separately in DiVA as Chapter in book.


To start registering a collection:

  1. Log in to DiVA
  2. Select Add publication / Upload files
  3. Select the following publication type from the drop-down list:
    • Collection (editor)
  4. Click on Continue

Enter information

The following fields are mandatory or optional for the publication type Collection (editor):

Editor and affiliation*

*It is mandatory to enter the first and last names of at least one editor

Multiple editors

List the editors in the order in which they appear in the publication, and add additional authors via the Another editor button. You can use the arrows to rearrange the order in which the editors appear.

Number of editors

Enter the complete list of editors.

This is not obligatory for publications with a large number of editors. In this case, you should enter the first and last editors, as well as all the editors affiliated with Uppsala University in between. Use the Number of authors field to note the total number of editors if all are not listed in the record.

User ID and ORCID ID

Enter the appropriate user ID in the Local User Id fields for all UU editors. User IDs are used to link records in DiVA to publication lists on profile pages and on pages on the University website.

You can find the user ID of an Uppsala University employee on their profile page in the catalogue of staff, deparments and units at UU.

If an UU editor has an ORCID ID, it can be added in the appropriate field. ORCID ID is internationally used to link the researcher (including any name variants) to their publications, and to the organisations they are (or have been) affiliated with. ORCID IDs in DiVA facilitate better analyses and research evaluations, both locally and nationally.

Connect authority record

Click on Connect authority record for each of the UU editors, to automatically insert organisational affiliations where possible. Be sure to select the correct authority record.

Authority records in DiVA are used to link publications to the right employee at Uppsala University. An authority record also provides an overview of information about the editor (such as organisational affiliation) and their total publications during the time as an employee at the University.

More information about authority records can be found in the Manage and edit authority records guide.


Add the correct organisational affiliation for the UU editors if it was not included in their authority records.

Browse the DiVA organisation tree via the Choose organisation button. The minimum requirement is that you specify the department at UU to which the editor is affiliated according to the publication. If applicable, you can go deeper in the hierarchy and enter the division or research programme. When you do this, the department will automatically be included.

If an organisation is missing from the list, please contact the Library.

If the publication indicates that an Uppsala University editor is affiliated with an additional organisation, please specify this in the Other organisation field.

You can also register publications created while employed at other organisations. In these cases, you should not select your current UU department as your affiliation. Instead, enter your affiliation at the time in the Other organisation field, as it appears in the publication.


*It is mandatory to indicate the main title and language of the collection


Enter the Main title, Subtitle (if any) and Language of the collection.

Text in the main title and subtitle fields is automatically separated by a colon when the record is displayed in DiVA's search tool.

Alternative title

If the collection has an alternative title, such as a translation from the original language, you can enter it in the Alternative title section. You may split the alternative title into a main title and a subtitle. The Language of the alternative title must also be specified.

Content type*

*It is mandatory to specify the type of content


Indicate the category to which the collection belongs:

  • Refereed: the scientific content of the collection has been reviewed by independent referees and accepted for publication
  • Other academic: the collection is intended for the academic community, but has not been peer-reviewed
  • Other (popular science, discussion, etc.): the collection is aimed at the general public

Year of publication, edition, number of pages*

*It is mandatory to indicate the year of publication of the collection


In the Year field, enter the year of publication of the collection.

Enter the edition number if the collection is a revised version (not just a reprint) of a previously published work. Do not enter the edition number when registering the first edition.

The Number of pages you enter should be the last numbered page of the collection.


DiVA contains a list of publication series published at Uppsala University. If the collection is part of one of those, select it from the Series drop-down list.

If the series is not available in the drop-down list, you can enter the title of the series and ISSN (if any) in the free text fields under Other series.

If applicable, enter the collection's number in the series.

When registering the editorship of a special issue/theme issue of a journal, enter the title of the journal and its ISSN in the Other series free text fields.


*It is mandatory to indicate the publisher of the collection


Start typing the publisher's name in the Publisher field and select from the list.

If the publisher is not available in the list, you can enter its name in the free text field Other publisher.

The place of publication is recommended, although not mandatory.



Enter the ISBN in 10 or 13 digits, with or without hyphens. Select from the drop-down list whether the ISBN refers to the printed or electronic publication. Undefined is used if it is unclear which version the ISBN refers to.

You can add additional ISBNs by clicking on the Additional ISBN button.

DOI for e-book

Books available in e-book format may have a DOI, which can be entered (without the prefix in the DOI field. When the record is published in DiVA, a DOI link to the e-book is generated.

If the e-book is published open access, tick the Free full-text box next to the DOI field.

URL for e-book

Some e-books do not have a DOI. In these cases, you can add a link to information about the collection on the publisher's website in the URL field instead. Do not enter a URL if the collection has a DOI.

In the URL label field, you can add descriptive text (e.g. "Collection in full-text") to replace the link text when viewing the record in DiVA's search tool. This clarifies where the link leads to.

If the e-book is published open access, tick the Free full-text box next to the URL label field.

National subject category*

*It is mandatory to specify the subject of the collection


Indicate the subject of the publication in as much detail as possible, i.e. at least at the three-digit (but preferably five-digit) level. Search or browse for a subject by clicking on Choose national subject category. You can also use the Suggestion for national subject category function, which suggests subjects based on the subject categories in SwePub's subject classification tool (interface in Swedish).

The subject categories available in DiVA are used for subject classification of publications in the national search engine SwePub, which contains records from DiVA and corresponding local databases at Swedish universities.

Research subject

The list of research subjects is a local overview of research conducted at Uppsala University. Research topics are mainly used for dissertations in DiVA, but may also be used for other publications.

If a subject is missing from the list, please contact the Library.


It is possible to link the collection to projects that are registered in DiVA. If applicable, click on Search and add project to link to a project.

If the project is missing in DiVA, you can enter the title in the free text field Part of other project. Click on the Another other project button to add additional projects.


Please enter keywords/subject words that describe the content of the collection, as this makes the publication more findable in DiVA. Multiple keywords are separated by commas. When adding keywords, you also need to select the Language from the drop-down list.

Keywords can be entered in more than one language. To do so, click on the button Keywords in another language.


Providing an abstract of the collection can also enhance searchability in DiVA. When adding an abstract, you need to select the Language from the drop-down list.

If you paste text from the publisher's website or from Word or another word processing software, it may include unwanted formatting. To avoid this, click on the Klistra in som text (Paste as text) icon Paste as text and then paste the abstract.

Abstracts can be entered in more than one language. To do so, click on the Another abstract button.


*Only mandatory for editorship of special/themed issues of a journal


When registering the editorship of a special issue/theme issue of a journal, please specify in the notes field that the record refers to a Special issue of a journal.

Otherwise, only use the note field for details about the publication that are not possible to enter in any other field. For instance, if you want to indicate shared first or last authorship of the publication.

Research funder

If the collection is part of a project that has a research funder, you can search or browse for the funder in the Research funders and strategic development areas list. If applicable, enter a project number.

Additional funders may be added if required.

If a funder is not available in the list, please contact the Library.

Select publication type

Conference paper is used for contributions presented at a conference or symposium


To start registering a conference paper:

  1. Log in to DiVA
  2. Select Add publication / Upload files
  3. Select the following publication type from the drop-down list:
    • Conference paper
  4. Click on Continue

Enter information

The following fields are mandatory or optional for the publication type Conference paper:


*Subcategory is recommended, although not mandatory


Select one of the following options from the drop-down list:

  • Oral presentation with published abstract: Summary of a conference paper presented at a conference
    • For an abstract published in a journal, refer instead to publication type Journal article, subcategory Meeting abstract
  • Poster (with or without abstract): Short scientific abstract, usually with both text and graphical elements, presented at a conference
    • For an abstract published in a journal, refer instead to publication type Journal article, subcategory Meeting abstract
  • Oral presentation only: Oral presentation at a conference
  • Published paper: paper published in conference proceedings
    • A revised or republished paper published in a journal is registered as Article in journal
    • A revised or republished paper published in a collection is registered as Chapter in book

Author and affiliation*

*It is mandatory to enter the first and last names of at least one author

Multiple authors

List the authors in the order in which they appear in the publication, and add additional authors via the Another author button. You can use the arrows to rearrange the order in which the authors appear.

Number of authors

Enter the complete list of authors.

This is not obligatory for publications with a large number of authors. In this case, you should enter the first and last author, as well as all the authors affiliated with Uppsala University in between. Use the Number of authors field to note the total number of authors if all are not listed in the record.

User ID and ORCID ID

Enter the appropriate user ID in the Local User Id fields for all UU authors. User IDs are used to link records in DiVA to publication lists on profile pages and on pages on the University's website.

You can find the user ID of an Uppsala University employee on their profile page in the catalogue of staff, deparments and units at UU.

If an UU author has an ORCID ID, it can be added in the appropriate field. ORCID ID is internationally used to link the researcher (including any name variants) to their publications, and to the organisations they are (or have been) affiliated with. ORCID IDs in DiVA facilitate better analyses and research evaluations, both locally and nationally.

Connect authority record

Click on Connect authority record for each of the UU authors, to automatically insert organisational affiliations where possible. Be sure to select the correct authority record.

Authority records in DiVA are used to link publications to the right employee at Uppsala University. An authority record also provides an overview of information about the author (such as organisational affiliation) and their total publications during the time as an employee at the University.

More information about authority records can be found in the Manage and edit authority records guide.


Add the correct organisational affiliation for the UU authors if it was not included in their authority records.

Browse the DiVA organisation tree via the Choose organisation button. The minimum requirement is that you specify the department at UU to which the author is affiliated according to the publication. If applicable, you can go deeper in the hierarchy and enter the division or research programme. When you do this, the department will automatically be included.

If an organisation is missing from the list, please contact the Library.

If the publication indicates that an Uppsala University author is affiliated with an additional organisation, please specify this in the Other organisation field.

You can also register publications created while employed at other organisations. In these cases, you should not select your current UU department as your affiliation. Instead, enter your affiliation at the time in the Other organisation field, as it appears in the publication.


*It is mandatory to indicate the main title and language of the contribution


Enter the Main title, Subtitle (if any) and Language of the contribution.

Text in the main title and subtitle fields is automatically separated by a colon when the record is displayed in DiVA's search tool.

Content type*

*It is mandatory to specify the type of content


Indicate the category to which the paper belongs:

  • Refereed: the scientific content of the paper has been reviewed by independent referees and accepted for publication
  • Other academic: the paper is intended for the academic community, but has not been peer-reviewed
  • Other (popular science, discussion, etc.): the paper is aimed at the general public

Subcategory of conference paper that is not subject to peer review

  • Oral presentation only

Part of proceedings*

*Only mandatory if the contribution has been published in a conference proceedings in the form of an abstract or published paper


Indicate the Main title and Subtitle (if any) of the conference proceedings in which the contribution was published.


Editors, if any, of the proceedings in which the contribution is included should be indicated in the Editor field.

Separate multiple editors with a semicolon. If all editors cannot be listed, enter the name of the first editor followed by "et al".


*It is mandatory to specify the conference where the contribution was presented


Provide full details of the conference, i.e. title, location and date.

Year of publication, etc.*

*It is mandatory to indicate the year in which the conference paper was made available


Indicate the Year in which the conference contribution was presented (for oral presentation) or published (for published abstract and paper).

If it is an abstract or paper published in a conference proceedings where Volume is specified, enter this in the appropriate field.

Enter the Article Id (if any) of the conference paper.

If there is no Article Id, enter the first and last Pages of the conference contribution according to the pagination of the publication. Leave the fields blank if the contribution is unpaginated.


*Only applicable to abstract or paper published in conference proceedings that are part of a series


DiVA contains a list of publication series published at Uppsala University. If the conference paper is part of one of those, select it from the Series drop-down list.

If the series is not available in the drop-down list, you can enter the title and ISSN of the series in the free text fields under Other series.

If applicable, enter the proceedings' number in the series.


*Only applicable to abstract or paper published in conference proceedings


Start typing the name of the publisher in the Publisher field and select from the list.

If the publisher is not available in the list, you can enter their name in the free text field Other publisher.



*Only applies to abstracts or papers published in proceedings that have an ISBN


Enter the ISBN with 10 or 13 digits, with or without hyphens. Select from the drop-down list whether the ISBN refers to the printed version or the electronic publication.

You can enter more ISBNs by clicking on the Another ISBN button.


Enter the DOI (without the prefix of the publication (if available) in the DOI field. When the record is published in DiVA, a DOI link to the conference contribution is generated.

If the conference contribution is published open access, tick the Free full-text box next to the DOI field.


Some conference papers do not have a DOI. In these cases, you may add a link to information about the paper or conference in the URL field instead.

In the URL label field, you can add descriptive text (e.g. "Paper in full-text") that replaces the link text when viewing the record in DiVA's search tool. This clarifies where the link leads to.

If the conference paper is published open access, tick the Free full-text box next to the URL label field.

National subject category*

*It is mandatory to specify the subject of the chapter


Indicate the subject of the publication in as much detail as possible, i.e. at least at the three-digit (but preferably five-digit) level. Search or browse for a subject by clicking on Choose national subject category. You can also use the Suggestion for national subject category function, which suggests subjects based on the subject categories in SwePub's subject classification tool (interface in Swedish).

The subject categories available in DiVA are used for subject classification of publications in the national search engine SwePub, which contains records from DiVA and corresponding local databases at Swedish universities.

Research subject

The list of research subjects is a local overview of research conducted at Uppsala University. Research topics are mainly used for dissertations in DiVA, but may also be used for other publications.

If a subject is missing from the list, please contact the Library.


It is possible to link the chapter to projects that are registered in DiVA. If applicable, click on Search and add project to link to a project.

If the project is missing in DiVA, you can enter the title in the free text field Part of other project. Click on the Another other project button to add additional projects.


Please enter keywords/subject words that describe the content of the chapter, as this makes the publication more findable in DiVA. Multiple keywords are separated by commas. When adding keywords, you also need to select the Language from the drop-down list.

Keywords can be entered in more than one language. To do so, click on the button Keywords in another language.


Providing an abstract of the conference contribution can also enhance searchability in DiVA. When adding an abstract, you need to select the Language from the drop-down list.

If you paste text from the publisher's website or from Word or another word processing software, it may include unwanted formatting. To avoid this, click on the Klistra in som text (Paste as text) icon Paste as text and then paste the abstract.

Abstracts can be entered in more than one language. To do so, click on the Another abstract button.


Only use the note field for details about the publication that are not possible to enter in any other field. For instance, if you want to indicate shared first or last authorship of the publication.

Research funder

If the conference contribution is part of a project that has a research funder, you can search or browse for the funder in the Research funders and strategic development areas list. If applicable, enter a project number.

Additional funders may be added if required.

If a funder is not available in the list, please contact the Library.

Select publication type

Conference proceedings (editor) is used for editorship of published conference proceedings


To start registering a conference proceeding:

  1. Log in to DiVA
  2. Select Add publication / Upload files
  3. Select the following publication type from the drop-down list:
    • Conference proceedings (editor)
  4. Click on Continue

Enter information

The following fields are mandatory or optional for the publication type Conference proceedings (editor):

Editor and affiliation*

*It is mandatory to enter the first and last names of at least one editor

Multiple editors

List the editors in the order in which they appear in the publication, and add additional authors via the Another editor button. You can use the arrows to rearrange the order in which the editors appear.

Number of editors

Enter the complete list of editors.

This is not obligatory for publications with a large number of editors. In this case, you should enter the first and last editors, as well as all the editors affiliated with Uppsala University in between. Use the Number of authors field to note the total number of editors if all are not listed in the record.

User ID and ORCID ID

Enter the appropriate user ID in the Local User Id fields for all UU editors. User IDs are used to link records in DiVA to publication lists on profile pages and on pages on the University's website.

You can find the user ID of an Uppsala University employee on their profile page in the catalogue of staff, deparments and units at UU.

If an UU editor has an ORCID ID, it can be added in the appropriate field. ORCID ID is internationally used to link the researcher (including any name variants) to their publications, and to the organisations they are (or have been) affiliated with. ORCID IDs in DiVA facilitate better analyses and research evaluations, both locally and nationally.

Connect authority record

Click on Connect authority record for each of the UU editors, to automatically insert organisational affiliations where possible. Be sure to select the correct authority record.

Authority records in DiVA are used to link publications to the right employee at Uppsala University. An authority record also provides an overview of information about the editor (such as organisational affiliation) and their total publications during the time as an employee at the University.

More information about authority records can be found in the Manage and edit authority records guide.


Add the correct organisational affiliation for the UU editors if it was not included in their authority records.

Browse the DiVA organisation tree via the Choose organisation button. The minimum requirement is that you specify the department at UU to which the editor is affiliated according to the publication. If applicable, you can go deeper in the hierarchy and enter the division or research programme. When you do this, the department will automatically be included.

If an organisation is missing from the list, please contact the Library.

If the publications indicate that an Uppsala University editor is affiliated with an additional organisation, please specify this in the Other organisation field.

It is also possible to register publications created while employed at other organisations. In these cases, you should not select your current UU department as your affiliation. Instead, enter your affiliation at the time in the Other organisation field, as it appears in the publication.


*It is mandatory to indicate the main title and language of the proceedings


Enter the Main title, Subtitle (if any) and Language of the proceedings.

Text in the main title and subtitle fields is automatically separated by a colon when the record is displayed in DiVA's search tool.

Content type*

*It is mandatory to specify the type of content


Indicate the category to which the proceedings belong:

  • Refereed: the scientific content of the proceedings has been reviewed by independent referees and accepted for publication
  • Other academic: the proceedings are intended for the academic community, but have not been peer-reviewed
  • Other (popular science, discussion, etc.): the proceedings are aimed at the general public


*It is strongly recommended that you specify the related conference of the proceedings


Please provide full details of the conference, i.e. title, location and date.

Year of publication, number of pages*

*It is mandatory to indicate the year of publication of the proceedings


In the Year field, enter the year of publication of the proceedings.

The Number of pages you enter should be the last numbered page of the proceedings.


DiVA contains a list of publication series published at Uppsala University. If the proceedings are part of one of these, select it from the Series drop-down list.

If the series is not available in the drop-down list, you can enter the title of the series and the ISSN (if any) in the free text fields under Other series.

If applicable, enter the proceedings' number in the series.


*It is mandatory to indicate the publisher of the proceedings


Start typing the publisher's name in the Publisher field and select from the list.

If the publisher is not available in the list, you can enter its name in the free text field Other publisher.



Enter the ISBN in 10 or 13 digits, with or without hyphens. Select from the drop-down list whether the ISBN refers to the printed or electronic publication. Undefined is used if it is uncertain which version the ISBN refers to.

You can add additional ISBNs by clicking on the Additional ISBN button.


Electronic proceedings may have a DOI, which can be entered (without the prefix in the DOI field. When the record is published in DiVA, a DOI link is generated.

If the proceedings are published open access, tick the Free full-text box next to the DOI field.


Some proceedings do not have a DOI. In these cases, you can add a link to information about the proceedings or the conference in the URL field instead. Do not enter a URL if the proceedings have a DOI.

In the URL label field, you can add descriptive text (e.g. "Proceedings in full-text") to replace the link text when viewing the record in DiVA's search tool. This clarifies where the link leads to.

If the proceedings are published open access, tick the Free full-text box next to the URL label field.

National subject category*

*It is mandatory to specify the subject of the proceedings


Indicate the subject of the publication in as much detail as possible, i.e. at least at the three-digit (but preferably five-digit) level. Search or browse for a subject by clicking on Choose national subject category. You can also use the Suggestion for national subject category function, which suggests subjects based on the subject categories in SwePub's subject classification tool (interface in Swedish).

The subject categories available in DiVA are used for subject classification of publications in the national search engine SwePub, which contains records from DiVA and corresponding local databases at Swedish universities.

Research subject

The list of research subjects is a local overview of research conducted at Uppsala University. Research topics are mainly used for dissertations in DiVA, but may also be used for other publications.

If a subject is missing from the list, please contact the Library.


It is possible to link the proceedings to projects that are registered in DiVA. If applicable, click on Search and add project to link to a project.

If the project is missing in DiVA, you can enter the title in the free text field Part of other project. Click on the Another other project button to add additional projects.


Please enter keywords/subject words that describe the content of the proceedings, as this makes the publication more findable in DiVA. Multiple keywords are separated by commas. When adding keywords, you also need to select the Language from the drop-down list.

Keywords can be entered in more than one language. To do so, click on the button Keywords in another language.


Providing an abstract of the proceedings can also enhance searchability in DiVA. When adding an abstract, you need to select the Language from the drop-down list.

If you paste text from the publisher's website or from Word or another word processing software, it may include unwanted formatting. To avoid this, click on the Klistra in som text (Paste as text) icon Paste as text and then paste the abstract.

Abstracts can be entered in more than one language. To do so, click on the Another abstract button.


Only use the note field for details about the publication that are not possible to enter in any other field. For instance, if you want to indicate shared first or last authorship of the publication.

Research funder

If the proceedings are part of a project that has a research funder, you can search or browse for the funder in the Research funders and strategic development areas list. If applicable, enter a project number.

Additional funders may be added if required.

If a funder is not available in the list, please contact the Library.

Select publication type

Manuscript (preprint) is used for an article or other publication that has not yet been published


To start registering a manuscript:

  1. Log in to DiVA
  2. Select Add publication / Upload files
  3. Select the following publication type from the drop-down list:
    • Manuscript (preprint)
  4. Click on Continue

Enter information

It is important to note that since Manuscript (preprint) refers to unpublished works, the year of publication cannot be entered.

The following fields are mandatory or optional for the publication type Manuscript (preprint):

Author and affiliation*

*It is mandatory to enter the first and last names of at least one author

Multiple authors

List the authors in the order in which they appear in the publication, and add additional authors via the Another author button. You can use the arrows to rearrange the order in which the authors appear.

Number of authors

Enter the complete list of authors.

This is not obligatory for publications with a large number of authors. In this case, you should enter the first and last author, as well as all the authors affiliated with Uppsala University in between. Use the Number of authors field to note the total number of authors if all are not listed in the record.

User ID and ORCID ID

Enter the approproate user ID in the Local User Id fields for all UU authors. User IDs are used to link records in DiVA to publication lists on profile pages and on pages on the University website.

You can find the user ID of an Uppsala University employee on their profile page in the catalogue of staff, deparments and units at UU.

If an UU author has an ORCID ID, it can be added in the appropriate field. ORCID ID is internationally used to link the researcher (including any name variants) to their publications, and to the organisations they are (or have been) affiliated with. ORCID IDs in DiVA facilitate better analyses and research evaluations, both locally and nationally.

Connect authority record

Click on Connect authority record for each of the UU authors, to automatically insert organisational affiliations where possible. Be sure to select the correct authority record.

Authority records in DiVA are used to link publications to the right employee at Uppsala University. An authority record also provides an overview of information about the author (such as organisational affiliation) and their total publications during the time as an employee at the University.

More information about authority records can be found in the Manage and edit authority records guide.


Add the correct organisational affiliation for the UU authors if it was not included in their authority records.

Browse the DiVA organisation tree via the Choose organisation button. The minimum requirement is that you specify the department at UU to which the author is affiliated according to the publication. If applicable, you can go deeper in the hierarchy and enter the division or research programme. When you do this, the department will automatically be included.

If an organisation is missing from the list, please contact the Library.

If the publication indicates that an Uppsala University author is affiliated with an additional organisation, please specify this in the Other organisation field.

It is also possible to register publications created while employed at other organisations. In these cases, you should not select your current UU department as your affiliation. Instead, enter your affiliation at the time in the Other organisation field, as it appears in the publication.


*It is mandatory to indicate the main title and language of the manuscript


Enter the Main title, Subtitle (if any) and Language of the manuscript.

Text in the main title and subtitle fields is automatically separated by a colon when the record is displayed in DiVA's search tool.

Content type*

*It is mandatory to specify the type of content


Indicate the category to which the manuscript belongs:

  • Other academic: the manuscript is intended for the academic community, but has not yet been peer-reviewed
  • Other (popular science, discussion, etc.): the manuscript is aimed at the general public


Unpublished manuscripts have no identifiers.

However, if you have made the manuscript available in a preprint archive, postprint archive or other open archive, such as arXiv or Zenodo, the manuscript is usually assigned a DOI.


Provide the DOI of the manuscript (without the prefix, if available. When the record is published in DiVA, a DOI link to the publication is generated.

If the manuscript is published open access, tick the Free full-text box next to the DOI field.


If the manuscript has no DOI but is available in an open archive or similar, you can link to the manuscript in the URL field instead.

In the URL label field, you can add descriptive text (e.g. "Manuscript in full-text") that replaces the link text when the record is viewed in DiVA's search tool. This clarifies where the link leads to.

If the manuscript is published open access, tick the Free full-text box next to the URL label field.

National subject category*

*It is mandatory to specify the subject of the manuscript


Indicate the subject of the publication in as much detail as possible, i.e. at least at the three-digit (but preferably five-digit) level. Search or browse for a subject by clicking on Choose national subject category. You can also try the Suggestion for national subject category function, which suggests subjects based on the subject categories in SwePub's subject classification tool (interface in Swedish).

The subject categories available in DiVA are used for subject classification of publications in the national search engine SwePub, which contains records from DiVA and corresponding local databases at Swedish universities.

Research subject

The list of research subjects is a local overview of research conducted at Uppsala University. Research topics are mainly used for dissertations in DiVA, but may also be used for other publications.

If a subject is missing from the list, please contact the Library.


It is possible to link the manuscript to projects that are registered in DiVA. If applicable, click on Search and add project to link to a project.

If the project is missing in DiVA, you can enter the title in the free text field Part of other project. Click on the Another other project button to add additional projects.


Please enter keywords/subject words that describe the content of the manuscript, as this makes the publication more findable in DiVA. Multiple keywords are separated by commas. When adding keywords, you also need to select the Language from the drop-down list.

Keywords can be entered in more than one language. To do so, click on the button Keywords in another language.


It is important to note that you should not include an abstract if you plan to submit your manuscript to a journal or publisher.


Providing an abstract of the manuscript can enhance searchability in DiVA. When adding an abstract, you need to select the Language from the drop-down list.

If you paste text from Word or another word processing software, it may include unwanted formatting. To avoid this, click on the Klistra in som text (Paste as text) icon Paste as text and then paste the abstract.

Abstracts can be entered in more than one language. To do so, click on the Another abstract button.


Only use the note field for details about the publication that are not possible to enter in any other field. For instance, if you want to indicate shared first or last authorship of the publication.

Research funder

If the publication is part of a project that has a research funder, you can search or browse for the funder in the Research funders and strategic development areas list. If applicable, enter a project number.

Additional funders may be added if required.

If a funder is not available in the list, please contact the Library.

Select publication type

Other is used for:

  • exhibition catalogues
  • policy documents

Other is also used if no other publication type is applicable.

To start registering a publication of the type Other:

  1. Log in to DiVA
  2. Select Add publication / Upload files
  3. Select the following publication type from the drop-down list:
    • Other
  4. Click on Continue

Enter information

The following fields are mandatory or optional for the publication type Other:


Select a subcategory from the drop-down list if the publication is one of the following:

  • Policy document: publication specifying declarations of intent and guidelines
  • Exhibition catalogue: publication about, for example, a temporary exhibition or an installation in a gallery

Author and affiliation*

*It is mandatory to enter the first and last names of at least one author

Multiple authors

List the authors in the order in which they appear in the publication, and add additional authors via the Another author button. You can use the arrows to rearrange the order in which the authors appear.

Number of authors

Enter the complete list of authors.

This is not obligatory for publications with a large number of authors. In this case, you should enter the first and last author, as well as all the authors affiliated with Uppsala University in between. Use the Number of authors field to note the total number of authors if all are not listed in the record.

User ID and ORCID ID

Enter the appropriate user ID in the Local User Id fields for all UU authors. User IDs are used to link records in DiVA to publication lists on profile pages and on pages on the University's website.

You can find the user ID of an Uppsala University employee on their profile page in the catalogue of staff, deparments and units at UU.

If an UU author has an ORCID ID, it can be added in the appropriate field. ORCID ID is internationally used to link the researcher (including any name variants) to their publications, and to the organisations they are (or have been) affiliated with. ORCID IDs in DiVA facilitate better analyses and research evaluations, both locally and nationally.

Connect authority record

Click on Connect authority record for each of the UU authors, to automatically insert organisational affiliations where possible. Be sure to select the correct authority record.

Authority records in DiVA are used to link publications to the right employee at Uppsala University. An authority record also provides an overview of information about the author (such as organisational affiliation) and their total publications during the time as an employee at the University.

More information about authority records can be found in the Manage and edit authority records guide.


Add the correct organisational affiliation for the UU authors if it was not included in their authority records.

Browse the DiVA organisation tree via the Choose organisation button. The minimum is that you specify the department at UU to which the author is affiliated according to the publication. If applicable, you can go deeper in the hierarchy and enter the division or research programme. When you do this, the department will automatically be included.

If an organisation is missing from the list, please contact the Library.

If the publication indicates that an Uppsala University author is affiliated with an additional organisation, please specify this in the Other organisation field.

You can also register publications created while employed at other organisations. In these cases, you should not select your current UU department as your affiliation. Instead, enter your affiliation at the time in the Other organisation field, as it appears in the publication.

Other contributor

If there are other contributors to the work who are not authors, they are recorded in the Other contributor section. For example, they may be illustrators, translators or collaborators. Enter First name, Last name and select Role from the drop-down list.

Enter the appropriate user ID in the Local User ID fields for all UU contributors. User IDs are used to link records in DiVA to publication lists on profile pages and on pages on the University's website.

You can find the user ID of an Uppsala University employee on their profile page in the catalogue of staff, deparments and units at UU.

If an UU author has an ORCID ID, it can be added in the appropriate field. ORCID ID is internationally used to link the researcher (including any name variants) to their publications, and to the organisations they are (or have been) affiliated with. ORCID IDs in DiVA facilitate better analyses and research evaluations, both locally and nationally.

Click on Connect authority record for each of the UU contributors, to automatically insert organisational affiliations where possible. Be sure to select the correct authority record.

More information about authority records can be found in the Manage and edit authority records guide.


*It is mandatory to indicate the main title and language of the publication


Enter the Main title, Subtitle (if any) and Language of the publication.

Text in the main title and subtitle fields is automatically separated by a colon when the record is displayed in DiVA's search tool.

Content type*

*It is mandatory to specify the type of content


Indicate the category to which the publication belongs:

  • Refereed: the scientific content of the publication has been reviewed by independent referees and accepted for publication
  • Other academic: the publication is intended for the academic community, but has not been peer-reviewed
  • Other (popular science, discussion, etc.): the publication is aimed at the general public

Type of resource

In the Type of resource drop-down list, you can specify a descriptive category for the work, such as whether it is a text-based work, an image, a video or an audio recording.

Physical description

In the Physical description free text field, you can briefly describe the physical attributes of the work. The Language of the description should also be specified.

If you paste text from Word or from another word processing program, it may include unwanted formatting. To avoid this, click on the Klistra in som text (Paste as text) icon Paste as text and then paste the text.

It is possible to enter descriptions in several languages. In such case, click on the Another physical description button.

Year of publication, number of pages*

*It is mandatory to indicate the year in which the work was made available

Indicate the year of presentation or publication of the work.

If the work is paginated, enter the last paginated page number in the Number of pages field.


DiVA contains a list of publication series published at Uppsala University. If the publication is part of one of these, select it from the Series drop-down list.

If the series is not in the drop-down list, you can enter the title of the series and the ISSN (if any) in the free text fields under Other series.

If applicable, enter the publication's number in the series.


Start typing the publisher's name in the Publisher field and select from the list.

If the publisher is not available in the list, you can enter its name in the free text field Other publisher.



Enter the ISBN in 10 or 13 digits, with or without hyphens. Select from the drop-down list whether the ISBN refers to the printed or electronic version. Undefined is used if it is unclear which version the ISBN refers to.

You can add additional ISBNs by clicking on the Additional ISBN button.


If applicable, enter the DOI (without the prefix of the work in the DOI field. When the record is published in DiVA, a DOI link is generated.

If the publication is published open access, tick the Free full-text box next to the DOI field.


Some publications do not have a DOI. In such cases, you can add a link in the URL field to information about the publication on the publisher's website.

In the URL label field, you can add descriptive text (e.g. "Publication in full-text") to replace the link text when viewing the record in DiVA's search tool. This clarifies where the link leads to.

If the publication is published open access, tick the Free full-text box next to the URL label field.

National subject category*

*It is mandatory to specify the subject of the publication


Indicate the subject of the work in as much detail as possible, i.e. at least at the three-digit (but preferably five-digit) level. Search or browse for a subject by clicking on Choose national subject category. You can also try the Suggestion for national subject category function, which suggests subjects based on the subject categories in SwePub's subject classification tool (interface in Swedish).

The subject categories available in DiVA are used for subject classification of publications in the national search engine SwePub, which contains records from DiVA and corresponding local databases at Swedish universities.

Research subject

The list of research subjects is a local overview of research conducted at Uppsala University. Research topics are mainly used for dissertations in DiVA, but may also be used for other publications.

If a subject is missing from the list, please contact the Library.


It is possible to link the publication to projects that are registered in DiVA. If applicable, click on Search and add project to link to a project.

If the project is missing in DiVA, you can enter the title in the free text field Part of other project. Click on the Another other project button to add additional projects.


Please enter keywords/subject words that describe the content of the publication, as this makes the publication more findable in DiVA. Multiple keywords are separated by commas. When adding keywords, you also need to select the Language from the drop-down list.

Keywords can be entered in more than one language. To do so, click on the button Keywords in another language.


Providing an abstract of the work can also enhance searchability in DiVA. When adding an abstract, you need to select the Language from the drop-down list.

If you paste text from the publisher’s website or from Word or other word processing software, it may include unwanted formatting. To avoid this, click on the Klistra in som text (Paste as text) icon Paste as text and then paste the abstract.

Abstracts can be entered in more than one language. To do so, click on the Another abstract button.


Only use the note field for details about the publication that are not possible to enter in any other field. For example, if you want to indicate shared first or last authorship of the publication.

Research funder

If the work is part of a project that has a research funder, you can search or browse for the funder in the Research funders and strategic development areas list. If applicable, enter a project number.

Additional funders may be added if required.

If a funder is not available in the list, please contact the Library.

Select publication type

Patent is used for approved patent applications to Swedish or international patent organisations


To start registering a patent:

  1. Log in to DiVA
  2. Select Add publication / Upload files
  3. Select the following publication type from the drop-down list:
    • Patent
  4. Click on Continue

Enter information

The following fields are mandatory or optional for the publication type Patent:

Authors and affiliation*

*It is mandatory to enter the first and last names of at least one author

Multiple authors

List the authors in the order in which they appear in the publication, and add additional authors via the Another author button. You can use the arrows to rearrange the order in which the authors appear.

Number of authors

Enter the complete list of authors.

This is not obligatory for publications with a large number of authors. In this case, you should enter the first and last author, as well as all the authors affiliated with Uppsala University in between. Use the Number of authors field to note the total number of authors if all are not listed in the record.

User ID and ORCID ID

Enter the appropriate user ID in the Local User Id fields for all UU authors. User IDs are used to link records in DiVA to publication lists on profile pages and on pages on the University's website.

You can find the user ID of an Uppsala University employee on their profile page in the catalogue of staff, deparments and units at UU.

If an UU author has an ORCID ID, it can be added in the appropriate field. ORCID ID is internationally used to link the researcher (including any name variants) to their publications, and to the organisations they are (or have been) affiliated with. ORCID IDs in DiVA facilitate better analyses and research evaluations, both locally and nationally.

Connect authority record

Click on Connect authority record for each of the UU authors, to automatically insert organisational affiliations where possible. Be sure to select the correct authority record.

Authority records in DiVA are used to link publications to the right employee at Uppsala University. An authority record also provides an overview of information about the author (such as organisational affiliation) and their total publications during the time as an employee at the University.

More information about authority records can be found in the Manage and edit authority records guide.


Add the correct organisational affiliation for the UU authors if it was not included in their authority records.

Browse the DiVA organisation tree via the Choose organisation button. The minimum requirement is that you specify the department at UU to which the author is affiliated according to the publication. If applicable, you can go deeper in the hierarchy and enter the division or research programme. When you do this, the department will automatically be included.

If an organisation is missing from the list, please contact the Library.

If the publication indicates that an Uppsala University author is affiliated with an additional organisation, please specify this in the Other organisation field.

It is also possible to register publications created while employed at other organisations. In these cases, you should not select your current UU department as your affiliation. Instead, enter your affiliation at the time in the Other organisation field, as it appears in the publication.


*It is mandatory to indicate the main title and language of the patent


Enter the Main title, Subtitle (if any) and Language of the patent.

Text in the main title and subtitle fields is automatically separated by a colon when the record is displayed in DiVA's search tool.


*It is strongly recommended to provide details about the patent


In the Patent section, indicate the Country where the patent has been registered.

If an organisation has registered the patent, click on Organisation as patent office and enter the name of the organisation.

Enter the Patent number and the Date of approval for the patent.


*It is mandatory to indicate the year of registration of the patent


Enter the Year in which the patent was registered.



If relevant, you can add a link to information about the patent  in the URL field. This can be a link to website of an organisation such as the European Patent Office or the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO).

In the URL label field, you can add descriptive text (e.g. "Patent information") to replace the link text when displaying the record in the DiVA search tool. This clarifies where the link leads to.

National subject category*

*It is mandatory to specify the subject of the patent


Indicate the subject of the publication in as much detail as possible, i.e. at least at the three-digit (but preferably five-digit) level. Search or browse for a subject by clicking on Choose national subject category. You can also try the Suggestion for national subject category function, which suggests subjects based on the subject categories in SwePub's subject classification tool (interface in Swedish).

The subject categories available in DiVA are used for subject classification of publications in the national search engine SwePub, which contains records from DiVA and corresponding local databases at Swedish universities.

Research subject

The list of research subjects is a local overview of research conducted at Uppsala University. Research topics are mainly used for dissertations in DiVA, but may also be used for other publications.

If a subject is missing from the list, please contact the Library.


It is possible to link the patent to projects that are registered in DiVA. If applicable, click on Search and add project to link to a project.

If the project is missing in DiVA, you can enter the title in the free text field Part of other project. Click on the Another other project button to add additional projects.


Please enter keywords/subject words that describe the content of the patent, as this makes the publication more findable in DiVA. Multiple keywords are separated by commas. When adding keywords, you also need to select the Language from the drop-down list.

Keywords can be entered in more than one language. To do so, click on the button Keywords in another language.


Providing an abstract of the patent can also enhance searchability in DiVA. When adding an abstract, you need to select the Language from the drop-down list.

If you paste text from the patent organisation's website or from Word or another word processing software, it may include unwanted formatting. To avoid this, click on the Klistra in som text (Paste as text) icon Paste as text and then paste the abstract.

Abstracts can be entered in more than one language. To do so, click on the Another abstract button.


Only use the note field for details about the publication that are not possible to enter in any other field. For example, if you want to indicate shared first or last authorship of the publication.

Research funder

If the publication is part of a project that has a research funder, you can search or browse for the funder in the Research funders and strategic development areas list. If applicable, enter a project number.

Additional funders may be added if required.

If a funder is not available in the list, please contact the Library.

Select publication type

Report is used for publications in report series (e.g. working papers) or for stand-alone reports


To start registering a report:

  1. Log in to DiVA
  2. Select Add publication / Upload files
  3. Select the following publication type from the drop-down list:
    • Report
  4. Click on Continue

Enter information

The following fields are mandatory or optional for the publication type Report:

Author and affiliation*

*It is mandatory to enter the first and last names of at least one author


Multiple authors

List the authors in the order in which they appear in the publication, and add additional authors via the Another author button. You can use the arrows to rearrange the order in which the authors appear.

Number of authors

Enter the complete list of authors.

This is not obligatory for publications with a large number of authors. In this case, you should enter the first and last author, as well as all the authors affiliated with Uppsala University in between. Use the Number of authors field to note the total number of authors if all are not listed in the record.

User ID and ORCID ID

Enter the appropriate user ID in the Local User Id fields for all UU authors. User IDs are used to link records in DiVA to publication lists on profile pages and on pages on the University's website.

You can find the user ID of an Uppsala University employee on their profile page in the catalogue of staff, deparments and units at UU.

If an UU author has an ORCID ID, it can be added in the appropriate field. ORCID ID is internationally used to link the researcher (including any name variants) to their publications, and to the organisations they are (or have been) affiliated with. ORCID IDs in DiVA facilitate better analyses and research evaluations, both locally and nationally.

Connect authority record

Click on Connect authority record for each of the UU authors, to automatically insert organisational affiliations where possible. Be sure to select the correct authority record.

Authority records in DiVA are used to link publications to the right employee at Uppsala University. An authority record also provides an overview of information about the author (such as organisational affiliation) and their total publications during the time as an employee at the University.

More information about authority records can be found in the Manage and edit authority records guide.


Add the correct organisational affiliation for the UU authors if it was not included in their authority records.

Browse the DiVA organisation tree via the Choose organisation button. The minimum requirement is that you specify the department at UU to which the author is affiliated according to the publication. If applicable, you can go deeper in the hierarchy and enter the division or research programme. When you do this, the department will automatically be included.

If an organisation is missing from the list, please contact the Library.

If the publication indicates that an Uppsala University author is affiliated with an additional organisation, please specify this in the Other organisation field.

It is also possible to register publications created while employed at other organisations. In these cases, you should not select your current UU department as your affiliation. Instead, enter your affiliation at the time in the Other organisation field, as it appears in the publication.


*It is mandatory to indicate the main title and language of the report


Enter the Main title, Subtitle (if any) and Language of the report.

Text in the main title and subtitle fields is automatically separated by a colon when the record is displayed in DiVA's search tool.

Alternative title

If the report has an alternative title, such as a translation from the original language, you can enter it in the Alternative title section. You may split the alternative title into a main title and a subtitle. The Language of the alternative title must also be specified.

Content type*

*It is mandatory to specify the type of content


Indicate the category to which the report belongs:

  • Refereed: the scientific content of the report has been reviewed by independent referees and accepted for publication
  • Other academic: the report is intended for the academic community, but has not been peer-reviewed
  • Other (popular science, discussion, etc.): the report is aimed at the general public

Year of publication, number of pages*

*It is mandatory to indicate the year of publication of the report


In the Year field, enter the year of publication of the report.

The Number of pages you enter should be the last numbered page of the book.


DiVA contains a list of publication series published at Uppsala University. If the report is part of one of those, select it from the Series drop-down list.

If the series is not in the drop-down list, you can enter the title of the series and the ISSN (if any) in the free text fields under Other series.

If applicable, enter the report's number within the series.


Start typing the publisher's name in the Publisher field and select from the list.

If the publisher is not available in the list, you can enter its name in the free text field Other publisher.



Enter the ISBN in 10 or 13 digits, with or without hyphens. Select from the drop-down list whether the ISBN refers to the printed or electronic version. Undefined is used if it is unclear which version the ISBN refers to.

You can add additional ISBNs by clicking on the Additional ISBN button.


Enter the DOI (without the prefix, if available, in the DOI field. When the record is published in DiVA, a DOI link is generated.

If the report is published open access, tick the Free full-text box next to the DOI field.


Some reports do not have a DOI. In these cases, you can add a link to information about the report on the publisher's website in the URL field instead.

In the URL label field, you can add descriptive text (e.g. "Report in full-text") to replace the link text when viewing the record in DiVA's search tool. This clarifies where the link leads to.

If the report is published open access, tick the Free full-text box next to the URL label field.

National subject category*

*It is mandatory to specify the subject of the report


Indicate the subject of the publication in as much detail as possible, i.e. at least at the three-digit (but preferably five-digit) level. Search or browse for a subject by clicking on Choose national subject category. You can also try the Suggestion for national subject category function, which suggests subjects based on the subject categories in SwePub's subject classification tool (interface in Swedish).

The subject categories available in DiVA are used for subject classification of publications in the national search engine SwePub, which contains records from DiVA and corresponding local databases at Swedish universities.

Research subject

The list of research subjects is a local overview of research conducted at Uppsala University. Research topics are mainly used for dissertations in DiVA, but may also be used for other publications.

If a subject is missing from the list, please contact the Library.


It is possible to link the report to projects that are registered in DiVA. If applicable, click on Search and add project to link to a project.

If the project is missing in DiVA, you can enter the title in the free text field Part of other project. Click on the Another other project button to add additional projects.


Please enter keywords/subject words that describe the content of the report, as this makes the publication more findable in DiVA. Multiple keywords are separated by commas. When adding keywords, you also need to select the Language from the drop-down list.

Keywords can be entered in more than one language. To do so, click on the button Keywords in another language.


Providing an abstract of the report can also enhance searchability in DiVA. When adding an abstract, you need to select the Language from the drop-down list.

If you paste text from the publisher's website or from Word or another word processing software, it may include unwanted formatting. To avoid this, click on the Klistra in som text (Paste as text) icon Paste as text and then paste the abstract.

Abstracts can be entered in more than one language. To do so, click on the Another abstract button.


Only use the note field for details about the publication that are not possible to enter in any other field. For example, if you want to indicate shared first or last authorship of the publication.

Research funder

If the report is part of a project that has a research funder, you can search or browse for the funder in the Research funders and strategic development areas list. If applicable, enter a project number.

Additional funders may be added if required.

If a funder is not available in the list, please contact the Library.

Upload file

On the Upload files page of the registration form, you may attach the publication in PDF format, although this is optional. Other types of files related to the publication (such as a cover, attachment or image) may also be uploaded, as long as there are no copyright restrictions. If you don't want to upload a file, you can proceed to the next page of the form.

Before uploading the full text of a published or forthcoming publication, you must ensure that you have the right to do so. Follow the instructions in the Publishing full-text files guide.

Click on Continue to go to the next page.

Submit the record to DiVA

The fourth and final page, Review / Publish, provides a summary of the information entered for this publication.

Click on Edit information if anything needs to be added or changed. This will take you back to the Enter information page.

When all the information in the record is correct, click Submit.

After registering a record to DiVA

The record with information about the publication will be visible in the DiVA search tool within a few minutes, with the exception of the publication types student thesis, doctoral thesis and licentiate thesis. It may take up to 24 hours for new entries in DiVA to appear on profile and web pages.

Records that are published immediately upon registration are reviewed by a librarian or DiVA administrator retrospectively. If a publication has been reviewed, this is indicated in the DiVA search tool with the words "Bibliographically reviewed" in the record.


Full texts are not published immediately

Attached files will only be made available in DiVA after review, provided that there are no copyright restrictions. This applies regardless of the type of publication. If the file cannot be published in DiVA, the librarian will archive the file in the record.