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Thesis Production

Electronic publishing

How are articles published?

Articles in a compilation thesis are not published electronically because the journal in question usually owns the copyright for the articles. However, a list of composite papers is published in DiVA where all papers are linked to their corresponding abstracts.

Can changes be made in the electronically published thesis?

The PDF file for e-publishing must be identical to the file that was printed. If any part of the content is incorrect and needs to be corrected after publication, you can send a list of errata to Thesis Production. The errata list will then be published along with the electronic copy of the thesis.

May the thesis be published on the author’s own website or that of the department?

No, all theses are published electronically in DiVA. On the other hand, it’s okay to link to the publication in the thesis database from another web page.

How can a department present information about upcoming public defences of theses on its own web page?

For assistance with this, please contact DiVA Helpdesk.

Can monograph theses be published electronically?

Yes, but it’s not mandatory. If you’re interested in this, please contact Thesis Production. (On the other hand, compilation theses have been required to be published electronically since 1 January 2003.)