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Cite using Oxford


Most material on YouTube is produced by someone, meaning you need to be careful when determining the copyright holder, title etc. In the bibliography, you can add information related to YouTube, but at a minimum include the video’s URL. See the examples below.

You can use the same approach with other video platforms and multimedia.

The footnote

¹ Anna Kviselius and Lina Nääs. "Hur, när och varför ska jag referera?", Uppsala university library, October 29, 2013, YouTube-video, 6:28,

² Uppsala university. "Study - Live - Enjoy (Part 1, Arrival)", January 31, 2014, YouTube video, 4:24,


If available, include this information in the following order in the footnote:

  • Name of the person who made the video (or director, editor, publisher etc)
  • Video title (in quotes)
  • Publication date (If not available, include access date)
  • Type of medium / source, eg: YouTube video, TED talk, Vimeo video, etc.
  • URL

Shortened citation

¹ Kviselius and Nääs. "Hur, när och varför ska jag referera?"

² Uppsala university. "Study - Live - Enjoy (Part 1, Arrival)"


In the shortened footnote, include the following information:

  • Surname of the person who made the video (or director, editor, publisher, etc.)
  • Video title (in quotes)

The reference list

Kviselius, Anna  and Lina Nääs. "Hur, när och varför ska jag referera?". Uppsala university library. October 29, 2013. YouTube video 6:28.

Uppsala university. "Study - Live - Enjoy (Part 1, Arrival)". January 31, 2014. YouTube video, 4:24.


In the reference list, include the following information:

  • Surname and first name of the person who made the video (or director, editor, publisher etc)
  • Video title (in quotes)
  • Publication date (If not available, include access date)
  • Type of medium / source, eg: YouTube video, TED talk, Vimeo video, etc.
  • URL