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Cite using Oxford


  • In the footnote, specify the specific page number you are referring to. In the bibliography, indicate the page range for the entire article.
  • For online articles, specify a URL or the name of the database. Many journal articles have a DOI number (Digital Object Identifier). A DOI forms a permanent URL that begins with This URL is preferred over the URL shown in the web browser’s address field.
  • Scholarly articles often list multiple authors. If there are four or more authors, indicated up to ten in the bibliography; in footnotes, only indicate the first, followed by et al. (‘and others’). For more than ten authors (not shown here), only list the first seven in the bibliography, followed by et al.

The footnote

¹ Annika Bergström and Maria Jervelycke Belfrage, “News in Social Media: Incidental Consumption and the Role of Opinion Leaders,” Digital Journalism 6, 5 (May 2018): 592,

² Anne-Marie Hede and Torgeir Watne, “Leveraging the Human Side of the Brand Using a Sense of Place: Case Studies of Craft Breweries,” Journal of Marketing Management 29, 1–2 (January 2013): 215.


In the footnote, include this information in the following order:

  • Author(s): First name Surname. If more than 4 authors, write et al. after the name of the first author.
  • Title (within quotaion marks).
  • Journal name (in italics).
  • Volyme
  • Issue
  • Month and year of publication, or only year (whithin brackets).
  • Page number you are citing.
  • For online articles, include the URL or DOI number (see comment above).

Shortened citation

¹ Bergström and Jervelycke Belfrage, “News in Social Media," 592.

² Hede and Watne, “Leveraging the Human Side of the Brand Using a Sense of Place," 215-216.


The shortened footnote should include:

  • Author(s) surname. (If more than 4 authors, use et al.)
  • Title, no subheading (Within quotation marks).
  • Page number.

The reference list

The reference list lists your sources in alphabetical order.

Bergström, Annika and Maria Jervelycke Belfrage. “News in Social Media: Incidental Consumption and the Role of Opinion Leaders.” Digital Journalism 6, 5 (May 2018): 583–598.

Hede, Anne-Marie and Torgeir Watne. “Leveraging the Human Side of the Brand Using a Sense of Place: Case Studies of Craft Breweries.” Journal of Marketing Management 29, 1–2 (January 2013): 207–224.


In the reference list, include this information in the following order:

  • Author Surname, First name. If more than one author, name the others First name Surname. If more than 10 authors, write et al. after the name of the 7th author.
  • Title (within quotaion marks).
  • Journal name (in italics).
  • Volyme
  • Issue
  • Month and year of publication, or only year.
  • Page number range for the article.
  • For online articles, include the URL or DOI number (see comment above).