For older Swedish legislation, see the Swedish version of the guide.
The Dag Hammarskjöld and Law Library has some printed collections of older legislation, for example (on shelf 340.09) the Norwegian Frostatingslova and Gulatingslova (see also Norges gamle love, Carolina Library) as well as Law collections from Mesopotamia and Asia Minor by Roth, American legal history: cases and materials by Hall and Sammlung schweizerischer Rechtsquellen. In the closed stacks of the Dag Hammarskjöld and Law Library we also keep Lovtidende for Kongeriget Danmark (1882-1932) and Danmarks gamle love (see also Danmarks gamle landskabslove, Carolina Library). See also the bibliography Översikt över riksdagshandlingar samt författnings- och rättsfallssamlingar med särskild hänsyn till bestånden vid Sveriges offentliga bibliotek (including references to collections of parliamentary documents from different countries) by Frykholm.
Swedish committee reports from 1815 and government bills from 1867 onwards can be found in the Dag Hammarskjöld and Law Library, all in Swedish. A large part of the legal history collections of the Uppsala University Library is kept at Carolina Rediviva.
For more information about Swedish materials, see the Swedish version of the guide.
See also the bibliography Översikt över riksdagshandlingar samt författnings- och rättsfallssamlingar med särskild hänsyn till bestånden vid Sveriges offentliga bibliotek (including references to collections of parliamentary documents from different countries) by Frykholm.
You can find collections of Swedish case law from the 19th century onwards in the Dag Hammarskjöld and Law library, all in Swedish. For more detailed information, see the Swedish version of the guide.
Foreign case law collections in printed form:
See also the bibliography Översikt över riksdagshandlingar samt författnings- och rättsfallssamlingar med särskild hänsyn till bestånden vid Sveriges offentliga bibliotek (including references to case law collections from different countries) by Frykholm.
Older court documents are kept in the National Archives. To locate which archive keeps the relevant material, search the National Archives Database.