Systematic reviews

Choosing a journal

Publishing in esteemed journals is beneficial. In addition to adding to your reputation, your readership can increase and you can reach your target audience. Both research funding bodies and universities reward publication by highly regarded publishers and journals.

When you publish open access (OA), it means that your research results will be made available online to colleagues and other interested readers worldwide. There are several ways to publish with open access and make your research results freely available. As a researcher at Uppsala University, you have the opportunity to publish with open access at no extra cost or at a discount in more than 10,000 journals.

Names and affiliation

A simple, but important approach to facilitate analyses and other data extraction is to systematically indicate the same author name and university, faculty and department addresses consistently when publishing. Check what applies at your institution and in your research group. Do not mix up two different addresses such as your department and Uppsala University Hospital's address. Instead, enter two addresses next to each other if the research is conducted at both units.

Feel free to use ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID), an identifier to link a researcher (even different versions of a name) with publications and institutions they are or have been affiliated with. You can connect your ORCID with other ID's you might have, such as ResearcherID in Web of Science or Scopus Author ID.

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