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Academic Teaching and Learning

Teaching Portfolio

Brief information about teaching portfolio

Assessing Teaching Skills in Higher Education

Some short videos on teaching portfolios
The videos are published at the Swedish website.


Books and reports on teaching portfolio (in Swedish)

Winka, K. & Ryegård, Å. (2013). Pedagogisk portfölj - för karriär och utveckling. Lund: Studentlitteratur.

Ryegård, Å., Olsson, T. & Apelgren, K. (2010). Att belägga, bedöma och belöna pedagogisk skicklighet. Rapport, avdelningen för universitetspedagogisk utveckling, Uppsala universitet. Uppsala: Universitetstryckeriet.

Apelgren, K. & Giertz, B. (2001). Pedagogisk meritportfölj - och plötsligt var jag meriterad. Rapportserie från enheten för utveckling och utvärdering. Rapport nr 27, Uppsala universitet. Uppsala: Universitetstryckeriet.

Funding for renewal of education and development projects (PUMA)

Every year, a call for applications for project grants is made to further support development work in terms of renewal of education and educational development. Project funding is announced to support renewal of education and development work aimed at creating education whose content and form is characterized by innovative thinking and preferably crosses traditional subject boundaries. The project funding is divided into five areas: Education Renewal and General Pedagogic Development Projects , Active Student Participation (ASP), E-learning, Sustainable Development, as well as Internationalization and Intercultural Communication.

For the purpose of further supporting development of digitized education, the vice chancellor is calling for applications for project grants. The funding available amounts to SEK 2 000 000 and the grants could be used from autumn 2020.

Information about the call and guidelines for the project plans.